Murdered: Soul Suspect

Murdered: Soul Suspect

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THE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN. Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all… their own murder. When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer. Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his kil...
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Recent Steam reviews:
Very positive (57)
All Steam reviews:
Very positive (11199)


Murdered: Soul Suspect - Special Edition

Special Edition

  • Murdered: Soul Suspect
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Murdered: Soul Suspect

Standard Edition

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Game features



Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all… their own murder.

When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer.

Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using his detective instinct and new-found supernatural abilities.

As Ronan, you have the freedom to explore the modern-day town of Salem: its New England-style wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.


  • A dark, detective thriller with a supernatural twist: solving your own murder from the afterlife.

  • A twisting storyline supported by a great cast of characters constantly raises questions over the secrets that Salem hides.

  • Explore the world of the living and dead in Salem, a brooding city with deep-rooted ties to the supernatural and mysterious. Move freely from one haunting location to the next and even if you have completed your investigation, return to previous scenes to follow new leads.

  • Investigate your murder using supernatural skills; possess people to read their minds, influence their thoughts, or see and hear what they know. Follow leads by walking-through walls and teleporting. Discover new information by revealing memories hidden in the Dusk or interrogating the dead. Use poltergeist skills to create distractions and learn further clues.

  • Seek-out hundreds of collectibles, side-quests and cases from Salem’s citizens past to learn facts about the town and its people, improve your detective ranking and help you piece together the truth about the killer.

  • Survive powerful demonic spirits who devour souls in a belief that they can regain their own. Strategically use supernatural abilities to evade and outwit them before they tear away your soul forever.



  • OS *: Windows Vista 64bit with Platform Update for Windows Vista
  • Processor: High-Performance Dual Core CPU or Quad Core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 3870 512MB RAM / Nvidia GeForce 8800GT
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 12 GB available space

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Game review score based on 41 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

Excellente découverte faite par hasard.

L'histoire est prenante, intéressante, le personnage est attachant.

Côté jeu en lui-même, commandes rapides à prendre en main (le jeu est livré avec un manuel virtuel des commandes). Les mécaniques de jeu sont intéressantes et on ne s'en lasse pas (pas pour ma part en tout cas).

J'avoue avoir un peu rush la toute fin parce que les démons ont eu raison de mes nerfs, lol, mais globalement, j'ai adoré jouer !

Jeu fait en stream.
  • Histoire intéressante
  • Commandes faciles à prendre en mains
  • Graphiques super sympas (au vu de l'âge du jeu)
  • Démons à esquiver lassants
  • Histoires secondaires inutiles
It was quite interesting game, one I will remember. The story of a dead cop trying to find his killer in the afterlife as a ghost is alone intresting, followed by an intresting story of the town itself. It isn't a must-play, however it is quite fun.
  • story (with satisfying ending)
  • likeable characters
  • some game mechanics are awful
Bueno para pasar el rato está aceptable para esos momentos que quieres distraerte con otro tipo de juegos, la trama me parece excelente bien planteada, quizás le falta un poco mas de control para matar a los fantasmas
  • Buena trama
  • buena gráfica
  • desarrollado bien
  • aveces repetitivo
Murdered: Soul Suspect ci fa intuire sin dai primi minuti che cosa ci aspetta: un titolo dai temi cupi, dove la trama la fa da padrona e dove l'investigazione è l'elemento cardine delgioco. Miscela davvero più unica che rara di questi tempi e che a mio avviso non delude, anzi!

Graficamente il gioco risente un pò del fatto di essere una conversione da console, alcune volte il motore di gioco "scricchiola" un poco e soffre della trasposizione su PC. Ciononostante la grafica risulta comunque gradevole, indicata al tipo di gioco.

Essendo la trama il suo punto forte ci troviamo di fronte ad un gioco abbastanza lineare. Cosa che però a mio avviso non disturba, ci aiuta a seguire meglio la trama e gli eventi senza distrazioni da "open world". Non sarebbe stato possibile godere pienamente del gioco se così non fosse stato sviluppato.
Non è quasi presente nessuna meccanica di combattimento (se non in rarissimi casi) il che rende il gioco molto simile ad uno "story game" in stile The Walking Dead della Telltale Games.
La parte fondamentale e più interessante è l'investigazione, la raccolta delle prove e le intuizioni per risolvere i vari interrogativi che ci portano a progredire nella trama. Niente di troppo impossibile ma comunque soddisfacente.

Audio e Localizzazione
Il comparto audio non è niente di eccezionale ma è comunque all'altezza di quello che gli viene richiesto. Ho sentito alcune critiche mosse al doppiaggio in italiano, purtroppo ho giocato al gioco in lingua Inglese e devo dire che è davvero di ottimo livello.

Questo gioco è stato molto criticato poichè ritenuto non avvincente a livvello di Gameplay, troppo lineare e troppo semplice. Ma a mio avviso, mancano giochi così, troppo spesso un'eccessiva libertà di gioco è causa di trame decisamente insoddisfacenti o totalmente irrilevanti ai fini del gioco. In Murdered: Soul Suspect vi godrete un'ottima trama, senza frustrazioni o frenesia, senza distrazioni alla storia principale come decine e decine di missioni secondarie. Vi sembrerà di guardare un film interattivo, un ottimo thriller godibile dall'inizio alla fine. Ben vengano i giochi così, dove una storia coinvolgente e ben studiata è il tema principale e non ci sono centinaia di inutili orpelli che ci fanno apparire migliori giochi che in realtà hanno da offrire ben poco.
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Excellent game experience. I really enjoyed it because I never really played a game similar to it. It was interesting that I couldn't jump around but teleporting is cool and makes up for the jumping. The gameplay is fun and pretty normal for using a controller. I like the controls and its not hard to learn I just prefer a controller.

The demons are a bit crazy to deal with, sometimes they are grouped together and it can be hard to kill them, it is better to split them up because together they are extremely difficult to kill. My GTX 970 comes in the mail soon and I am going to test the game with it. I hope to see it blow my mind. I recommend the game if you like cases(medium difficult puzzles, not very extreme).

As for the Atmosphere a lot of the places are creepy. The mental hospital and cemetery are scary enough with all the ghosts and demons there. The story is crazy in the game. It gets more interesting as you learn more about the person who murdered you and the witness with her missing mother. Overall a great game :D.
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