Death Road to Canada (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S) - Etats-Unis
À propos
Game features
Death Road is built for replay value. Everything is randomized: locations, events, survivor appearances and personalities. There's a different story every time you play, set in a world that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Death Features:
- Up to 500 zombies can hunt you down at a time. Fight them, try to squirm past, or run.
- Use the character creator to put yourself, friends, and family in the game. Have them show up at random to get eaten!
- Find special and rare events, weapons, and characters with strange abilities.
- Make tough choices in Interactive Fiction events. Get different options and results based on the traits of your party members.
- Teach a dog how to drive a car.
- Throw chairs. Get your characters strong enough to throw large sofas.
- Most family friendly zombie apocalypse game on the market! Any gore explosion is in a cute style. We censor the word d*ngus once.
- Tell people to "Cool it."
- 4 player local same screen co-op where you control up to 4 characters!
Les avis des joueurs
Les plus récents
Il faut avoir été à l'école primaire aux Etats unis pour apprécier la référence culturelle avec the trail to Oregon sinon ça se limite à un jeu pixel quand même limite.
L'histoire ? Un personnage et un acolyte montent en voiture afin de se rendre au Canada. Mais en chemin il s'arrêtent régulièrement pour se faire tuer par des hordes de zombies. Voilà.
A réserver au fan service.
- Il y a une vague histoire
- C'est laid
- Rejouabilité infinie
- Humour sympa
- Challenge
- Difficulté non paramétrable