Outlast Trinity

Outlast Trinity

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Outlast Trinity: The Ultimate Horror Bundle. Outlast is a first-person survival horror series developed by Red Barrels. The critically acclaimed franchise is now available as a complete package. The bundle features over 20 hours of terrifying gameplay across Outlast 1, Outlast Whistleblower and the all new Outlast 2. The protagonists of Outlast have no fighting abilities. They must run, hide or die. Their only weapon is a camcorder they must use to capture the horrible events unfolding as they p...
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- Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
- Outlast
- Outlast 2

Outlast Trinity: The Ultimate Horror Bundle. Outlast is a first-person survival horror series developed by Red Barrels. The critically acclaimed franchise is now available as a complete package. The bundle features over 20 hours of terrifying gameplay across Outlast 1, Outlast Whistleblower and the all new Outlast 2. The protagonists of Outlast have no fighting abilities. They must run, hide or die. Their only weapon is a camcorder they must use to capture the horrible events unfolding as they progress through the game. The camcorder also has a night vision mode to navigate through dark environments. In Outlast 2 you are Blake Langermann, a cameraman working with your wife, Lynn. The two of you are investigative journalists willing to take risks and dig deep to uncover the stories no one else will dare touch. You're following a trail of clues that started with the seemingly impossible murder of a pregnant woman known only as Jane Doe. The investigation has led you miles into the Arizona desert, to a darkness so deep that no one could shed light upon it, and a corruption so profound that going mad may be the only sane thing to do.

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Punteggio della recensione del gioco basato su 15 recensioni, tutte le lingue incluse

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Bellissimi giochi soprattutto il primo Outlast nonché il migliore nel pacchetto. Storia intrigante che va approfondita leggendo i documenti (che spiegano la lore del gioco e dei personaggi) che comunque non sono in grado di renderla molto originale.
  • Le atmosfere sono da paura(battuta voluta). Veramente incredibili.
  • Comparto audio meraviglioso.
  • Sprite, texture e modellazione dei personaggi mediocre più che altro per il primo Outlast.
Gioco degno di essere chiamato horror, consigliato. Anche se leggermente vecchio, fa effetto lo stesso. Non ho riscontrato bug. Estremamente conveniente per ciò che si compra. Consigliato per coloro che vogliono comprare un gioco horror a prezzi bassi.
  • 3 giochi in 1
  • Pochissimi Bug
  • prezzi bassi

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