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Game features
About the Game
The premise is very simple: build your stronghold, fortify as best you can, and then resist the seemingly endless onslaught of ever more powerful hordes of enemies that rush down upon you like wolves upon the sheep in the fold, as the saying goes.
You have several tasks apart from smiting the hordes as mightily as possible. You must manage your resources, always a consideration when you are under siege conditions, you must improve and advance your technology, weapons and skills so as to keep up with the increasingly powerful opponents, and you must recruit new soldiers into your command to ensure that you can cover all your bases should the enemy step up their attacks.
You can play in single-player mode, but the best way to play is in two-player co-operative mode where you and a buddy can work together, covering each other’s backs and working in harmony to achieve your goals. While you share a base, you can work separately, constructing buildings and each amassing your ‘own’ army to work towards the common goal of defeating the many swarming enemies.
Game happens in real time, but unlike in real life, you can pause the action in order to issue commands to your army, and also to begin construction works. Battles, when not paused, are brutal and bloody, with everything, including dead bodies being used as projectiles – all the better if they are plagued with some nasty disease to spread amongst the ranks!
Helpful Hints on How to Win
Conan Unconquered is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.