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ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent old school FPS that fuses together classic shooters like Quake, modern shooters like Doom (2016) and character action games like Devil May Cry. Mankind has gone extinct and the only beings left on earth are machines fueled by blood. But now that blood is starting to run out on the surface... Machines are racing to the depths of Hell in search of more. Use your many movement abilities to stay mobile and avoid the relentless attacks of the dea...
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Data di rilascio:
Ultime recensioni Steam:
Estremamente positiva (4050)
Tutte le recensioni Steam:
Estremamente positiva (130013)

Early Access

Questo gioco ad accesso anticipato non è completo, potrebbe o meno cambiare in futuro

Video e immagini

Game features


ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent old school FPS that fuses together classic shooters like Quake, modern shooters like Doom (2016) and character action games like Devil May Cry.

Mankind has gone extinct and the only beings left on earth are machines fueled by blood.
But now that blood is starting to run out on the surface...
Machines are racing to the depths of Hell in search of more.

  • Use your many movement abilities to stay mobile and avoid the relentless attacks of the dead, demons and other machines.
  • Destroy them with an arsenal of incredibly powerful weapons, each with multiple available variations.
  • Soak yourself in their blood to regain health and keep fighting.

  • Kill fast and with SSStyle to rack up combos and gain points that can be used on weapon variations between missions.
  • Master the many levels to achieve high ranks and take on unique optional challenges.
  • Explore the varied and unique campaign environments inspired by Dante's Inferno to find plentiful hidden secrets



  • OS *: Windows 7 64-bit or later
  • Processor: 2.4GHZ Dual Core Processor Or Higher
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce 9800GT Or Equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: One that can handle extreme loudness.


Punteggio della recensione del gioco basato su 29 recensioni, tutte le lingue incluse

Recensioni recenti

peak game
Unico nel suo genere, ULTRAKILL ti metterà alla prova come pochi giochi riescono a fare. Un gameplay veloce e frenetico che, accompagnato da una colonna sonora elettrizzante, ti terrà incollato allo schermo per ore e ore senza freno.

Accessibile a tutti, compreso chi ha un microonde come PC :3
  • Alta rigiocabilità
  • Meccaniche originali
  • Lore avvincente

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