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Game features

Stronghold 3: Gold is the long-awaited third installment in the award winning castle-building series. Set 10 years after the original, the Wolf it seems, has cheated death and during his painful recovery he’s become even more bitter and twisted. Now he seeks revenge. Raiding villages and towns during the dead of night, the Wolf has created a tide of panic and you and your allies are the only force that stand against him. In this stunning new update to the world’s favorite Castle Sim - will you triumph by day or die by night?

Key features:
- Build and manage mighty castles with an improved building system allowing unprecedented levels of realism and intricacy
- Realistic physics and cutting-edge graphics make siege warfare more brutal than ever.
- Watch your village spring to life in an amazing depiction of medieval village life
- Story-driven gameplay engages players across two campaigns: combat or economic
- Dramatic night time sieges add a new dimension to the Stronghold franchise
- Besiege other players’ castles or defend your own in a range of action-packed online multiplayer modes
- Attack or defend accurately re-created castles from the pages of history. Will you succeed where others failed?
Stronghold franchise
Prodotti simili
Recensioni recenti
- Grafica nettamente superiore ai precedenti titoli
- Non è presente la modalità schermaglia
- Campagne mal studiate e abbastanza noiose
- A livello di meccaniche non c'è nessuna vera innovazione o aggiunta rispetto ai titoli precedenti