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Game features
More than ten million people have played the games since its initial release, and around a million people per month are registered as playing their way through the game at any point.
About the Game
Play is non-linear with players able to choose quests from a smorgasbord of options. You can roam freely around the world, playing sandbox style and stumbling across the secrets of Tamriel and choosing to help with quests or not, as you like. Alternatively, you can accept every quest that is offered, and watch out for random events, taking advantage of the chance to gather prizes by winning your way to the top of the leader board.
There are two simultaneous conflicts going on: a battle for the Imperial Throne which will offer the winner power over all Tamriel, and a fight against Prince Molag Bal, a Daedra, who must be stopped from completing his mission. The player can take his or her time over completing these tasks, exploring far and wide and ignoring these twin calls to action until they are ready to get to work on them.
How to Play
You begin play along with many others, trying to retrieve your soul from Molag Bal, and manage to escape from his clutches. From there, you can play your way around the world, gathering equipment and completing missions until you attain level 10. At this point, competitive play is possible, and you are given more information and deeper missions with every gain of five levels.
As with many MMORPGs you will spend a lot of your time battling other players as they try to beat you to the treasure or simply off you because you’re in their way. Keep your inventory well stocked and make sure your weapons are easily to hand and that you know how to use them, or else you risk facing an untimely demise along with all the attendant annoyances that come with sudden death.
Pick Your Species and Race
There are ten different races, each of which fall under one of three species. They are as follows:
Along with these choices, players must also pick classes and skill sets for their characters. Each choice affects the abilities and talents of their avatar, strengthening them in certain areas and weakening them in others: so do be careful to choose wisely!
The Elder Scrolls Online for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.
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