Mass Effect Andromeda (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Mass Effect Andromeda (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

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Mass Effect: Andromeda takes you to the Andromeda galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you'll lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory - where WE are the aliens. Play as the Pathfinder - a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers - with deep progression and customisation systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy. As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromed...
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Game features


Mass Effect: Andromeda takes you to the Andromeda galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you'll lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory - where WE are the aliens.

Play as the Pathfinder - a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers - with deep progression and customisation systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy.

As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromeda Galaxy and the hope for humanity lies on your shoulders – You must ask yourself… How far will you go?

Key Features:

The Mass Effect Universe. Lead the first humans in Andromeda on a desperate search for our New Home. In this new chapter of Mass Effect, meet and recruit all-new, interesting characters caught up in an epic space saga filled with mystery and galactic conflict.

Fight For Survival. Fight with your Pathfinder team In battle against terrifying enemies and creatures. New additions like destructible environments, boosted jumps for added verticality, and all-new weapons and Biotics make combat more thrilling than ever.

Build Your Hero. Build a formidable hero with amazing weapons, powers and tech. With a much more flexible skill and weapon progression tree, you can replicate your play style to make you unstoppable against new, powerful alien enemies.

Explore A New Galaxy. Chart your own course in a dangerous new galaxy. Unravel the mysteries of the Andromeda galaxy as you discover rich, alien worlds in the search for humanity’s new home.

Mass Effect franchise

Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Release date: 2021


Game review score based on 287 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

great game play, story, diversity, innovation.
I have really enjoyed playing this, since it had a nice story. I also really liked the character creation, because you could change a lot about you appearance, which is kinda cool. I recommend this to every fan of the Mass Effect Genre.
The best in the series. Loved to core. Great story line. Great weapon,character,inventory customization options.
DLC provides even more customization options and is worth it. Highly advised to buy...
  • Excellent story line.
  • Great weapon customization.
  • Take off sequence cannot be avoided.
  • Take off sequence too long.
Not the best Mass Effect I played , but now that all bugs fixed, it is quite good. I don't really like the story, plot, but that's my personal opinion. Game runs smoothly on a 5-6 years old pc. It's worth the money and time
  • Nice gameplay
  • Bugs are fixed
  • Smooth graphics
  • Story
I played all the Mass Effect games and I loved, I must buy it. I am an adventurer in the space, I leave humanity to maybe find a better future in this game. It's just a dream we must work in the present to safe each other because we are all humans and we have a brain, don't forget use it.
  • It's a Mass Effect.
  • Playing in the future and forgetting the present
The game is not bad as everyone says. The animations are terrible alright. But if you use a custom character instead of the default Sara or Scott Ryder you get better animations in my opinion. The maps are empty yes, but what did you expect in a deserted planet? The only thing I dislike is the love relationships, I think they shouldnt exist, but I can ignore them.
  • Funny dialogs
Je n'ai jamais été très fan de la saga Mass Effect, pourtant je me suis laissé tenté par cet opus, qui j’espérais allait me réconcilier avec la licence. Après l'avoir fini, je pense avoir fait le tour, et mon avis et plutôt mitigé.

Je trouve les premières heures de jeux tout à fait magnifiques, je pouvais pas lâcher la manette et je me disais que enfin j'allais apprécier cette licence à sa juste valeur. Mais passé l'effet "waouh" le jeu devient assez vide et malheureusement TROP répétitif, et les quêtes secondaires, qui au début sont sympa à faire, deviennent rapidement des corvées qu'on se force à faire pour la récompense (mais aussi parce que j'ai un petit soucis de complétionnisme). Et aussi si jamais on prend le temps d'améliorer un minimum son équipement le jeu devient vraiment simple et devient lassant. Et on se rend bien compte que les choix qu'on fait dans l'aventure n'auront absolument aucune conséquence pour la suite.
Malgré tout la quête principale donne envie d'en savoir plus, les personnages (pour la plupart) sont bien écrits et on s'attache facilement à eux (surtout Liam). Mais c'est dommage que ce que je retiendrais le plus de ce jeu soit le début et la fin qui sont spectaculaires.
Même si j'ai un avis mitigé je le conseillerais quand même aux fans de la franchise et aux amateurs de RPG/TPS ^^
  • Histoire sympa
  • Personnages attachants
  • Trop répétitif
  • Plutôt facile et absence de vrai challenge
  • Beaucoup trop de secondaire
Leider sind die Animationen grausig im vergleich zu den Vorgängern, aber alles andere ist sehr solide und das Kämpfen macht auch Spaß. Wenn man die Lore nicht haben will, wird man nicht dazu gezwungen, da das meiste davon in Nebenquests zu finden ist. Das erkunden der verschiedenen Planeten im Rover macht sehr viel Spaß.

In Punkten Erkunden und Kämpfen, glänzt das Spiel, aber leider ist es zu schnell raus gekommen und die Animationen und die Feinheiten leiden ersichtlich darunter.
  • Erkunden
  • Animationen
the game is good but not as good as previous parts. sometimes its beautiful but its got problems running at my GTX 1080Ti. everybody knows about horrible character animations but planets are really impressive. probablly best graphics to date.
Good game after they fixed the many issues. Still it gets a little bit boring with all the subquest that are very repetitive and have no interest at all. But all in all i would recomend it as it offers exactly what it says exploration ( even though there are only five planets to actually explore)
  • exploration
  • repetitive/ stupid side-quests or additional tasks
Mass Effect Andromeda story starts between Mass Effect 3 events. I really liked the game even though most people opinion is negative. Yes the game had many flaws but they were fixed after a couple of updates. Unfortunately Bioware is stopping updates to the game when it's in a state where it doesn't appear complete.
  • Story
  • Gameplay time
  • Graphics
  • Bugs
Mass Effect Andromeda, gran esperado pero con las prisas se dejó cosas en el tintero. Salió lleno de bugs, aún así con una historia interesante, quizás no tan remarcable como la trilogía predecesora. Es injusto compararla con Shepard y el equipo, ya que es una historia completamente diferente, se comienza desde 0, y literalmente: nueva galaxia, nuevos personajes, nuevas razas, nuevos enemigos, empiezas de 0 en el rango y has de subir y ganar con esfuerzo. Es verdad que hay cosas que se hacen repetitivos (las misiones secundarias son eternas pero son eso, secundarias, siempre se puede pasar de ellas ;D) y que la animación podría ser mejor, todo eso se puede decir y escucharán a sus jugadores (espero).

Es un juego joven, a pesar de cómo fue su salida y su recepción, no es tan mal juego como claman las redes sociales, aún hay esencia del Mass Effect original y muchos bugs los han corregido ya (si bien, hay cosas que han añadido que no me han gustado nada pero eso es cuestión personal).

Merece la pena jugarlo, la forma de combate nueva, el mejor manejo del Nomad comparado con el Mako, y los nuevos planetas lo valen. Incluso la historia lo vale.
  • Sistema de combate
  • Cosas que descubrir (planetas, razas, enemigos)
  • Sistema de manejo de vehículo (Nomad)
  • Ambientes, el diseño es precioso
  • Comenzar desde el menor rango, no eres nadie pero llegarás a serlo (camino del héroe)
  • La música debería haber sido más relevante, siguiendo la línea de Mass Effect Trilogy en su potencia y uso, pasa casi desapercibida a veces y es poco memorable
  • Exceso de misiones secundarias
  • Primer mapa (Eos) excesivamente grande
After Playing Witcher 3, i was expecting this game to be alot better. at least better than is Trilogy. It's a let down to its franchise and i was disappointed with the character and takling with useless APC. All tho its gameplay is fun.
The game is not so addictive as the previous games were. Can't say why exactly though. But it's not but it's still a Mass Effect game. So if you like the play style you will like this, too.
I personally do not like all this weapon-crafting stuff with hundreds of options. If you do you will be happy though.
  • Cool graphics (nice worlds, etc.)
  • Character Animations
  • Low addictiveness
  • Tons of customization stuff for weapons, armor, ... which I dont like
Amazing game..
Don't judge a game unless you've played the game by yourself..
majority of the negative reviews are nonsense.. Just cause their favourite youtuber doesn't like it.. the lil boys follow.
A great game without the need of playing its predecessors. Great RPG elements and sandbox exploration. Innovation on the combat can be felt, no longer having to deal with rigid movement or dodgy cover mechanics. A solid game for those looking to boldly go where no one has gone before.
  • Combat
  • Crew Personality
  • Story
  • Exploration
  • Controls
  • Length (Can Be Short On Main Story)
  • Certain cosemtic customizations are lack
A different kind of Mass Effect story but nevertheless it has some new features and a nice storyline for those who are into this series.The story begins between the second and the third Mass Effect game and puts you in the hands of a Pathfinder and lets you explore worlds.It is more open than the previous titles.
  • Exploring
  • new characters
  • Tedious Missions
  • A little buggy
The game is very gut. you have multiplayer singleplayer. Graphic is also greate. For that price you will have a very good game. you can level up upgrade and collect. This game is good if you have lot time and if you have short time for play
  • Graphic
  • Mulitplayer
  • multiplayer coop
Animations are a little meh but gameplay is awesome! took me 50(fun) hours to complete.
at first the crafting looked wonky but it's not, graphics look amazing. good storyline and side quest(in my perspective)
  • gameplay
  • crafting
  • character building
  • amazing graphics
  • animations
  • sometimes funny glitches
This game is amazing . Mass effect : Andromeda has great potential for more content. Great combats and diverse universe to explore. It has some flaws in game. You will enjoy a countless hours of fun just in storyline . Multiplayer mode gives you even more fun and time . I would recommend to anyone this game to play.
  • Amazing graphics
  • Great new revolutionized combat system
  • Multiplayer mode highly improved
  • Some graphical glitches
  • Storyline quest has some part uniteractivable
  • Lack of customization
First of all game even with my 60 out of 100 is good... But the problems it has it just can't be rated higher... Broken quest system is just 1 of them and unskipable cut scenes just add to insult. Developers look like they were first times in everything.... I love the impact you have on the game and some characters are really well made specially when it comes to your team :D quests with them had me laughing for day... But when you waste and hour trying to map 2 systems because you can't skip cut scenes.. I am forgiving but I am not that forgiving
  • Good story line
  • lovable characters
  • Big open world that are diverse
  • Bad face animations
  • More cut scenes than gameplay(galaxy map)
  • broken quest sistem and lazy team
As a big ME Fan a lil bit Disapointed but it is not that bad. I have Fun with the Multiplayer.
The Story is as always well written, you can have Relations between Aliens,Humans and have Gay Romances aswell. Have Fun
  • Multiplayer
  • Story
  • Good Storyline+Telling
  • Wierd Face Animations
  • Downgrade
  • Character Designer
I love the combat in this game. The graphic is beautiful. The new Game engine i fantastic. The lighting in this game is from another world. Descent story. Not think mind blowing. But if u are a Mass Effect fan. U should buy this game period.
  • Combat is great
  • Outstoning graphics
  • Great game engine
  • If u like Mass Effect u will love this game
  • More tutorials (U need to figur things out your self)
  • Minner graphics bugs especially on Female Ryder
Best game you'll play this year....until the next best thing comes out. Lol!
This is the effect the masses have been waiting for!
So what are You waiting for, Pathfinder?...go get 'em.

'I don't need an army, I have a Krogan.'
  • Open world, exploration,superb combat
  • A few minor bugs.
I was never much of a fan of Mass effect... I tried it several times... but could't get through even first one... I wanted too though... I wanted to know the story, but the gameplay wasn't for me...

I know the story now, thanks to my friends so I was looking forward Andromeda and it is pretty decent actually. I am enjoying it greatly so far... though there are problems...
  • The game runs really well
  • The clunky gameplay of previous mass effects is gone
  • Multiplayer is fun
  • Combat could be quite fast paced
  • Companions are really bland
  • Multiplayer can be quite repetitive
  • Combat could be also quite slow (everyone in cover all the times)
Well, I expected this game a lot to come as I loved the previous ones, but after playing a few hours I have found out that testing wasn't done. At this moment now I am stuck due to a bug and cannot go ahead in the game. Also sometimes you face "invisible" walls. :) Really this was pushed out with rush with bugs not being fixed. As of now it is complete disappointment for me as I really enjoyed the previous ones.
  • story
  • variety of choices
  • Character choice
  • Bad cover system
  • Full of bugs after few hours I have trapped twice due to bug in game. (3rd monolith activation)
This game is beautiful, smooth, fast and pretty good indeed! A really good action role-playing video game with hours and hours of game-play, intrigue and story! Plus, there is a multiplayer mod if you like it too.
  • Graphic
  • Soundtrack
  • Sound effects
  • Gameplay
  • Story

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