
Outlast Whistleblower

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101 kr
21.23 kr

Über das Produkt

Whistleblower will let you play as Waylon Park, a software engineer under contract with Murkoff and the man who emailed journalists around the world - including Miles - at the beginning of Outlast. Spending a couple of weeks at Mount Massive, during which he was unable to even talk to his wife and son thanks to strict security protocols, Waylon developed a deep-seated distrust of the profit-motivated scientists and doctors leading dangerous and irresponsible experiments on their patients. Identi...
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Dieses DLC benötigt das Basis Spiel Outlast
Neue Steam Reviews:
Sehr positiv (23)
Alle Steam Reviews:
Äußerst positiv (3449)


Whistleblower will let you play as Waylon Park, a software engineer under contract with Murkoff and the man who emailed journalists around the world - including Miles - at the beginning of Outlast. Spending a couple of weeks at Mount Massive, during which he was unable to even talk to his wife and son thanks to strict security protocols, Waylon developed a deep-seated distrust of the profit-motivated scientists and doctors leading dangerous and irresponsible experiments on their patients. Identifying with those poor souls fueled Waylon's anger, and set the stage for his unmasking of Mount Massive's rotten core.

Although Whistleblower tells the story that led to Outlast, it will actually stretch past the events of the first game to show the final chapter in Mount Massive Asylum's story.



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Bewertung des Spiels Basierend auf 14 Reviews, alle Sprachen inbegriffen

Kürzliche Bewertungen

Nettes DLC in ordentlicher Länge, welches die Geschichte rund um das Hauptspiel noch einmal von einer anderen Seite beleuchtet. Spannend und packend, auch die 2 neues Gegnercharaktere können sich sehen lassen. Nach meinem Empfinden ist es nochmal eine Schippe heftiger als das Hauptspiel.
  • Nach wie vor gute Optik
  • Tolle Story
Tolles DLC zu Outlast.
Absolute Kaufempfehlung für jeden Outlast Fan.
In Outlast: Whistleblower spielen wir diesmal den Charakter "Waylen Parker", der als System-Administrator bei Murkoff arbeitet- und mit Miles Upshur (dem Charakter aus Outlast) befreundet ist.
  • Fairer Preis
  • Gutes DLC zu Outlast

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