Red Dead Redemption 2 (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Red Dead Redemption 2 (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S) - United States

Xbox Series X|S
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America, 1899. Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are outlaws on the run. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him. Now featuring additional Story Mode content and a fully-featured Phot...
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Release date:



America, 1899.

Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are outlaws on the run. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.

Now featuring additional Story Mode content and a fully-featured Photo Mode, Red Dead Redemption 2 also includes free access to the shared living world of Red Dead Online, where players take on an array of roles to carve their own unique path on the frontier as they track wanted criminals as a Bounty Hunter, create a business as a Trader, unearth exotic treasures as a Collector or run an underground distillery as a Moonshiner and much more.

With all new graphical and technical enhancements for deeper immersion, Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC takes full advantage of the power of the PC to bring every corner of this massive, rich and detailed world to life including increased draw distances; higher quality global illumination and ambient occlusion for improved day and night lighting; improved reflections and deeper, higher resolution shadows at all distances; tessellated tree textures and improved grass and fur textures for added realism in every plant and animal.

Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC also offers HDR support, the ability to run high-end display setups with 4K resolution and beyond, multi-monitor configurations, widescreen configurations, faster frame rates and more.

Red Dead Redemption franchise

Red Dead Online (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Red Dead Online (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Release date: 2020
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Release date: 2019


Game review score based on 685 reviews, all languages included

Best reviews

Best purchase I've ever made..

I can't put it into words, how much I cried at some points in the game.

I have never seen a game, where you have so many amazing written characters.

I hope RDR III won't be a failure
  • Story
  • Gameplay
  • Story (again)
  • Stall bug in RDR Online
Red Redemption 2. This is a game ahead of its time. It's such a well-made game that it's an incredible credit to the people who worked on it. A perfect game. The story is fantastic, the graphics are top-notch, the physics, the movement is too good, the combat is excellent, shooting is excellent! Really a game without errors! It is not known what was done better in this game, the graphics were done ahead of their time, which even today does not have the best competition! Congratulations, one more thing and a recommendation for the game! Rating 10/10! Also a recommendation for Instant Gaming!
the game is great, there is not a single flaw, graphics are fantastic, physics, animals, I played it, and there isn't a single flaw, everything is detailed.Thank you rockstar

I recommend it to everyone


  • graphics 10\10
  • physics 10\10
  • game 10\10
  • no mistake, everything is great
  • no mistake, everything is great
  • no mistake, everything is great
interesting game, free world, very realistic, a lot of interesting things, I've been playing for several months and I haven't finished, in this game you immerse yourself in their time, you ride a horse almost all the time. If I haven't played, I recommend it!
  • good
  • graphics
  • nothing
10/10 game definitely buy it if you got the money its well worth it. The atmosphere the game has is truly amazing and it deserves all the love in the world, at first i didnt like it much but as story kept going i just fell in love with it.
  • Amazing attention to detail
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Makes you feel like a real cowboy
  • Online part is kinda bad
In my opinion this is one of the best open world games ever created with the most beautiful graphics and story. The world is full of events with hundreds of side misions aside from the main story. Good job Rockstar!
good game

liked alot

not bad

i like very much man

will make my kids play this game

and my grandchildren

they will remember

every part of it

to the death of me

i will adore this game


this is a poem

i cant write poems
good story game tbh need good pc tho
The best game I've ever played, just play it

Overall the game is fantastic, with it's story being impeccable and the graphics being absolutely stunning, in my opinion being one of the best nowadays, even though this game was made in 2018, truly ahead of its time.
  • Graphics
  • Story
  • Shooting mechanic.
  • Nothing really
  • Still nothing really
  • Again, nothing really
Love this game, the story mode and the multiplayer (when there are not cheaters). I also liked the guns, the fisics, the attention to detail that developers have put in the game.

Overall: 9/10, very recomended
  • good story
  • good multiplayer with friends
  • some cheaters in multiplayer
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful and realistic game. I've never played a game this good! I recommend buying games like this on instant gaming since they tend to be above 50e on steam..............



Great soundtrack
  • Very exciting story
  • Great soundtrack
  • Onkine support
This is the best game ever made, in my entire life I have never been so moved by character development like Arthur Morgan's. Everything is perfect, everything is beautiful, everything is deep, play and you will understand.
  • Absolutely all.
  • Absolutelly nothing.
Awesome game. Wholeheartedly recommend!First of all: The offline part is wonderful and has gotten a lot of attention in other reviews and that part would get 90, maybe even a 100 from me as well.

However, that great score drops so low because of the outracious multiplayer!

A lot of things you can do in singleplayer, are simply not possible in multiplayer! Example: catch a horse and sell it for some $? Nope, we don´t want you to do that for some reason!

Then there´s the crap of not being able to communicate with other players! This game has the most detailed world and would be perfect to role play. But hey: no chat!

Thanks R* -.-

Basically: if you´re into a great multiplayer experience, don´t get too excited. If you in it for the single player? Go ahead!
  • Lots of fun
  • No cons for me
Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is an extraordinary masterpiece that captures the essence of the Wild West with unparalleled precision. This open-world action-adventure game, developed by Rockstar Games, stands as a testament to the studio's dedication to creating immersive experiences.

Set against the backdrop of a beautifully crafted landscape, RDR2 introduces players to the world of Arthur Morgan, a complex and morally nuanced outlaw. The attention to detail in every aspect of the game is staggering – from the breathtaking scenery to the intricate character animations, every corner of this virtual world is brimming with life.

The heart of RDR2 lies in its compelling narrative. The single-player campaign weaves an emotionally gripping story that delves into themes of loyalty, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions. Each character is brought to life with exceptional voice acting and a depth that makes them feel like real people with their own aspirations and struggles.

The gameplay itself is a seamless blend of exploration, action, and decision-making. Whether you're venturing into the untamed wilderness, engaging in intense shootouts, or partaking in various side activities, the world of RDR2 feels alive and responsive. The attention to historical accuracy shines through in the authenticity of the weapons, clothing, and even the interactions with the wildlife.

Moreover, the sheer amount of content is staggering. The plethora of side quests, challenges, and hidden secrets ensures that players will always find something new to discover. The vastness of the map and the diversity of landscapes make exploration a rewarding experience.

Having completed the single-player campaign three times is a testament to the game's replayability. The choices you make throughout the story can lead to vastly different outcomes, encouraging players to experiment and see how their decisions impact the narrative.

In conclusion, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a tour de force in gaming. Its compelling storytelling, meticulous attention to detail, and immersive gameplay set it apart as one of the finest open-world experiences ever created. With each playthrough, the game continues to offer fresh surprises, ensuring that it remains a timeless classic in the gaming world.

Recent reviews

Still one of the greatest open world games I've ever played
probably the best game i have played so far

  • Story
  • Graphics
  • Calm
  • Read dead redeption online is bad
good game, low price, great opportunity for people who aren’t willing to pay a large amount of money. The game is outstanding, extremely good graphics and realism in this game. The story is interesting and there’s a connection between the player and the characters. Not so much of a choice based game but the storyline is worth experiencing.
"The movement with the character is terrible. The tutorial is absolutely too long. The horse keeps spinning in circles. I finished it after 4.5 hours. It might have been a good game in 2010, but today it's just a bad game. Maybe the story is good, but I won't find out."
  • "The movement with the character is terrible. The tutorial is absolutely too long. The horse keeps spinning in circles.
this game has made me smile and cry at the same time the game looks and runs really good i hope that they make a third one because i feel as if the third game will be goty and rockstar can be on and off with games but they hit this one
It’s a self-contained and linear introduction but it’s a clever one. The slick cinematics make a hell of first impression, embedding you in the gang and bringing you right up close to the characters who are doing their best to bellow over the howling wind. It also placed me in a distraction-free bubble while I learned some of Red Dead Redemption 2’s early controls and systems, which heightened the impact of having the full map open up to me a few hours later. The conditions on the mountain are almost claustrophobic, with visibility at a premium and thick snow trapping Arthur’s feet. Being set loose in the true open world after toughing it out in this intentionally oppressive environment really underscores the incredible feeling of freedom the full map offers.
I have never reviewed a game before but this one I just have to. Absolute masterpiece! Hats off for the devs for the effort they have putted in this game. It has perfect graphics, big map and all the stuff you can do is amazing. And the story is the best I ever have experienced (I cried like baby at the end) you just feel like you are really in the game living Arthurs life. The only problem is that you will get so much addicted to this game that you forgot about anything else (I have forgot to go to work one day). Bought the game here without any problems. I really recommend this game with all ten! So go buy it and enjoy this masterpiece! You will not regret it!
  • Story
  • Game length
  • Graphics
I just activated the game code, everything was instant and easy, fast and secure payment, the game is a blast from what I've seen of the rockstar who always creates excellent masterpieces! i love this game
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sprawling Western tale of loyalty, conviction, and the price of infamy, chronicling the inevitable collapse of a motley crew of Wild West holdouts kicking against the slow march of civilisation and industrialisation. Set in Rockstar’s most authentic and lived-in open world ever, there are so many things to do, so many people to meet, and so many places to explore it’s giddily overwhelming. Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t just Rockstar’s greatest achievement to date; it’s a game so lacking in compromise it’s tough to know where best to start discussing it. So let’s start at the beginning: It’s 1899 and American outlaws are an endangered species. Dutch van der Linde and his gang are on the run after a botched heist in the growing town of Blackwater and they’ve retreated high into the mountains where an atrocious blizzard is covering their escape. We slip into the spurs of Arthur Morgan, an exceedingly cool and capable outlaw who was found by Dutch as a boy and raised on the wrong side of the law, and settle in for a roughly 60-hour story. It’s a self-contained and linear introduction but it’s a clever one. The slick cinematics make a hell of first impression, embedding you in the gang and bringing you right up close to the characters who are doing their best to bellow over the howling wind. It also placed me in a distraction-free bubble while I learned some of Red Dead Redemption 2’s early controls and systems, which heightened the impact of having the full map open up to me a few hours later. The conditions on the mountain are almost claustrophobic, with visibility at a premium and thick snow trapping Arthur’s feet. Being set loose in the true open world after toughing it out in this intentionally oppressive environment really underscores the incredible feeling of freedom the full map offers. And what a world it is; broader, more beautiful, and more varied than the one we explored in 2010’s Red Dead Redemption by a massive margin (though parts of that game’s map are also included). There are snowy peaks and dank, alligator-infested swamps. Thick forests and open plateaus. Quaint homesteads and grand plantations. Narrow streams and great lakes. Dusty gulches and dim caves. There’s the muddy livestock town of Valentine, with its wooden buildings and rustic charm, and then there’s the imposing city of Saint Denis, a grimy and growing metropolis full of modern extravagances like electric trams, paved roads, and Chinese restaurants. The vast assortment of ecosystems and environments seamlessly stitched together here is nothing short of remarkable. Red Dead Redemption 2 does an exceptional job at slowly rationing out reasons to visit every corner of its huge world, too. I was still led to areas of the map I hadn’t yet visited even in the closing stages of its 60-hour main storyline. Because so many cards are kept up its sleeve, the joy of discovering new parts of the world is maintained throughout.
  • very good
The most complete game, fully packed open world, alive and progressive, great depth of characters, amazing story and overall.

Rockstar has created a masterpiece, which can be enjoyed for many years for sure.

Must-have for everyone.
  • Great open world
  • Gunfight at its finest
I love this game man, I feel me now as a bad as* you know. When I have a bad day I took my Hors and we rode away from worries ? my horse is all i have and a few dollars to play poker i have no idea what those orange and white dots are but I can recommend it to anyone who likes poker
I was activate key but i cant play game or instal or connect with my other steam acc. RockStar Launcher is WORST launcher in world.... ccccccccc.......

This is last time for me to buy ROCKSTAR games!!!!
  • GAME IS OK !!!!
  • ROCK STAR LAUNCHER IS BAD!!!!! . .. . .. ..

A friend recommended me this game and I'm loving it so far, the graphics, music, characters and story are all S tier.

Best game to buy if you're into good story games and have a good PC
I absolutely love Red Dead Redemption! The gameplay, story, and immersive open world all come together to make an unforgettable gaming experience. From exploring the vast landscapes to interacting with memorable characters, every moment in this game is a thrill. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves action-packed, story-driven games

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