Rage 2

Rage 2

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Rage 2 for PC – styled with the anarchy symbol in place of the A – is a first-person shooter with a hefty and satisfying shotgun and wonderful range of weaponry so you can indulge your taste for screen gore in a most satisfying manner. About the Game In a dystopia wasteland following a direct strike from an asteroid that has devastated the earth you are battling The Authority a band of mechanical mutants led by General Cross. There are also gangs of bandits, raiders and other bad guys to...
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Rage 2

Standard Edition

  • Rage 2
  • -5 more
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Rage 2 Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition

  • Rage 2
  • Rise of the Ghosts Expansion
  • Doom BFG
  • Wasteland Wizard Cheat Codes
  • Battle Standard
  • Progress Booster
  • 1 more
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Game features


Rage 2 for PC – styled with the anarchy symbol in place of the A – is a first-person shooter with a hefty and satisfying shotgun and wonderful range of weaponry so you can indulge your taste for screen gore in a most satisfying manner.

About the Game

In a dystopia wasteland following a direct strike from an asteroid that has devastated the earth you are battling The Authority a band of mechanical mutants led by General Cross. There are also gangs of bandits, raiders and other bad guys to watch out for and destroy at the first opportunity.

You will play as Walker, a ranger that can be male or female, according to your preferences. Early in the game, you are guided to find the first Ark, a high-tech survival shelter built before the asteroid strike to ensure that some things and people at least would survive

The story line is pretty simple – you are the ‘good guy’, you need to find the bad guys and shoot or otherwise destroy them. Look out for more Arks along they way they hide excellent pieces of technology that will help you boost your weapons and tech capabilities.

For example, there is the Slam, which sends out a shockwave blast when you activate it near enemies sending them tumbling about from the concussion and allowing you to clean them up with little comeback. The higher you are when you deploy it, the more impressive the blast, so time it carefully so as to maximise this already powerful (and rather splattery!) weapon.

Slam is an ideal crowd-clearing weapon as you can be swamped with enemies at points in the game and this is a great way to blast them to smithereens and clear your path.

Shatter is another good power-up to find, allowing you to blast towards opponents in an energy surge that will destroy enemy armour and – if they are close enough – the enemies themselves.

Super Shotgun

The shotgun is amazing – offering such accurate power and authentic-seeming impact that your shoulder almost aches as though the stock of the rifle is socked tightly into it rather than you having just clicked a mouse button. But when you hold the right mouse button as you fire, the spread of the shot tightens and the impact increases even more, so you can almost hose your enemies away, clearing them out of your path brutally.

All weapons can be made more powerful when you have created enough chaos and mayhem to activate Overdrive mode, which is achieved by pressing the V key. It is not only weapons that benefit, regeneration times are shorter, powers are stronger and refills your health metre.

Location, location, location

The map is quite small compared to some other games, which means that you can fairly easily reach all the outposts. There are three story arcs to choose from, or you can opt to go your own way, exploring and scavenging the wasteland on your own – always keeping an eye out for enemies, be they The Authority or gang members

  • Desert

  • Much of the terrain is post-apocalyptic desert with the accompanying miles of emptiness broken with Badlands-style geography, abandoned cities and, of course, subtle signs marking the position of the Arks.

  • Jungle

  • The jungle is satisfyingly dark and brooding with plenty of opportunities for menacing eyes and/ or lights to gleam out at you, both terrifying you and giving you a neat target to aim for before all hell breaks loose.

  • Arks

  • These storehouses of technology and valuables pop up almost anywhere, so keep your eyes peeled and make sure that you fully explore any that you do find.

    Rage 2 for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS *: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
    • Storage: 50 GB available space

    %% commentCount %% comments

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    Game review score based on 70 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    its fun
    • big open world
    • funny combat
    • sick weapons
    • every misson is the same, u drive to a outpost and kill the guys there
    • sometimes buggy

    Recent reviews

    I love this game! If you like GTA style games you will love it!!!
    A solid shooter, reminds me of Doom 2016, overall fun and engaging combat . Graphics are very nice and the weapons give an amazing and immersive feeling. If you like shooters don't skip this one for it is miles better than Rage 1.
    • Graphics
    • Combat
    • Guns
    • Lots of backtracking
    Just for your information. Bethesda is closing their platform. I wrote them several times I couldn't link my Steam account and they just don't care. So, don't buy it.. or buy it on Steam for double the price. IG, you should get Steam keys instead :)
    Deceleration on the mouse is permanent and fucks up the core of this FPS; AIMING and HITTING. < years of developing this game flushed down the toiet because of this horrible mistake- which hasn't been fixed after two years. Insane. As beautiful as it is at times, the game is unplayable because of this, don't buy unless at 90% sale.

    I should allso add that even hit registration is awful. Up close some two meters away I can see the projectiles of my assault rifle hit the bare head of the raider fighting me, without any damage being made. Combined with the mouse deceleration, this makes the game unsufferable. As pretty as it is.
    • Beautiful graphics etc
    • Mouse deceleration & poor hit registration= unsufferable gameplay
    Rage 2 is truly a very unique experience. The brutal and satisfying combat from Doom, and the vehicular combat from Mad Max make it a pleasure to tear through the wasteland. The only downside is the narrative and the way it is told. It is borderline average but is not terrible. I haven’t played the original Rage so I had zero knowledge of the lore/universe the game was set in. Whether that plays a factor in my opinion of Rage 2 is unknown. I can say with confidence that when it comes to gameplay, Rage 2 is a masterpiece. If you love intense and visceral combat, this game makes you feel like a genuine badass. Grab a snack because you will he glued to your couch for hours on end. If you’re looking for a game to turn off your brain and have fun this game might be for you.
    en 4 horas te pasas el juego y eso que e explorado bastante... asta q no este a 10€ no os lo compreis. Es entretenido pero repetetivo. Eso si todo hay q decirlo la jugabilidad esta lograda se nota la mano de ID software tiene mucho doom
    • Jugabilidad
    • Graficos
    • Entretenido, dibertido
    • Repetitivo
    • Corta historia
    • Facil en modo normal
    • La conduccion en los coches deja algo que desear
    So much things to say.. (remember while reading taht i'm not english so i apologize for the mistakes :) )
    Bethesda can do way better things than that, it's like they completly forget their roots ( really rich and open world, unique experience) just to get some money for the next TES...
    -Level design really repetitive, lot of empty places (in details and enemies) without personality (wastelands dosen't have to mean full of emptiness... there is no really special location you're going to enjoy...)
    -For a game selling a lot of action, there is so much turn-off: try taking a ladder while figting for example and you'll understand...
    -The life duration soooo much artificialy extend by the faction leveling, and even after leveling you have to unlock the skills, what's the point of having to farm both quests and money when money is given at the quest location ? just do xp points then wouldn't you?
    -Skill trees are so weird, sometimes you wonder if you even want to sidequests to unlock any of them.. it feels like you can skip 90% of the game (sidequests) without really missing any gameplay upgrade (unless special abilities)
    -We're in 2019 at release date, even skyrim mods look graphically better...
    -NPC leaks so much of animations and unique gestures, wood doors openning themselves alone for no reasons just because you're close, god dammit there is a npc nearby opening it by telepathy... we're in 2019 again, every studios can animate that...
    -Cars are way too powerful, just stay in your car and leftmouse button to clean every open location... you loose every fun and action..
    -Cars are diffiult to control, and as a big part of the game they should have work harder on the roads and path because you can not drive outpath, every single rocks bump you in the trees/sky, sometimes even the real road bump you when dirt meet concrete for exemple; morover then path is so badly indicated that will make you miss every single junction...
    -i encountered 5 bugs (dead boddies, npc duplication, AI running in a wall...) in less than 2 hours

    If you can get this game for 35€ or less then buy it, it's still good, but seriously, bethesda can do better....
    You can also save money and wait for other games like the next TES or doom eternal or borderlands 3 all coming this year
    • still not bad if you get it in solds
    • i let you read haha...

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