Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 GOTY - Europe

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Borderlands 2 (GOTY) for PC is an action role-playing first-person shooter game, the sequel to the original Borderlands game. The Game of the Year Edition was released following the runaway success of the sequel, including a lot of upgrades and downloadable content that had been produced since the original release date. About the Game In the previous game, the characters of Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai are led to the discovery of a large alien vault on the planet Pandora, which was rum...
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Release date:


Borderlands 2

Standard Edition - Europe

  • Borderlands 2
  • -5 more
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Borderlands 2 GOTY

GOTY - Europe

  • Borderlands 2
  • Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty
  • Borderlands 2 - Psycho Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Collector's Edition Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome
  • Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage
  • Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
  • Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack
  • 5 more
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Borderlands 2 GOTY


  • Borderlands 2
  • Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty
  • Borderlands 2 - Psycho Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Collector's Edition Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome
  • Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack
  • Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage
  • Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
  • Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack
  • 5 more
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Borderlands 2 VR

VR - Europe

  • VR mode included
  • -4 more
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GOTY includes

- Borderlands 2
- Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty
- Borderlands 2 - Psycho Pack
- Borderlands 2: Collector's Edition Pack
- Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome
- Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack
- Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage
- Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
- Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
- Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack
Borderlands 2 (GOTY) for PC is an action role-playing first-person shooter game, the sequel to the original Borderlands game. The Game of the Year Edition was released following the runaway success of the sequel, including a lot of upgrades and downloadable content that had been produced since the original release date.

About the Game

In the previous game, the characters of Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai are led to the discovery of a large alien vault on the planet Pandora, which was rumoured to hold all sorts of wonderful treasure: riches, fabulous technology and ancient wisdom.

Instead, it unleashed an ancient alien force called The Destroyer, which the players then had to defeat. Following their victory, a rare mineral begins to flourish on the planet, and in the five years to the beginning of this game, an evil corporation has seized control of all the Eridium in the name of ‘bringing peace’ to the people.

In the new game’s main story arc The Vault Hunters are on a mission to find a new alien vault – thought to be even bigger and this time filled with good things – which with they can liberate the planet of Pandora from the villainous Handsome Jack, President of Hyperion Corporation.

Our heroes set off on a train to find this new vault, but Jack sabotages it, leaving them to freeze to death in the cold. Fortunately, they are rescued and taken to a safe place, from which they can equip themselves and set out again on their main mission, while undertaking side missions as they present themselves.

The side missions include meeting up with the heroes of the first game (see below for more) and being given advice by them and/ or rescuing them from other villainy.

Collaborative campaign gameplay,

Characterisation for the Win

There are four playable characters in this game, all new, plus two bonus characters that were added as DLC. But do not fear, if you had favourite playable characters in the first game: they appear in this game as non-playing characters or NPCs. All the new characters have hefty bounties on their heads for various crimes and nefarious doings.

The six new characters are:

  • Axton the Commando: a military bad boy, Axton was cut loose (axed, if you like) from his regiment and his marriage because of his independent streak that caused him to go his own way. His commanding officer and wife (same person), Sarah, realised that his actions would no doubt earn him the death penalty and secretly urged him to flee. He obliged, heading over to Pandora and out of jurisdiction, where he heard rumours of the vault’s treasure

  • Maya the Siren: sirens are women with immense powers, and because of this they are often feared or criminalised as soon as their powers manifest. Maya has been raised by a secret Order of monks who declare her their deity, even as they keep her on a short leash. Realising they are not the good force she has always thought them to be, she kills her trainer/ handler and escapes, fleeing to Pandora where she has heard there is treasure to be found

  • Salvador the Gunzerker: native-born on Pandora, Salvador can wield (perfectly) any two weapons simultaneously for a short time. Despite his short stature (about five foot four, believed to have been caused by excessive steroid use in his youth) Salvador is a formidable opponent because of his special skills. He heard about the alien vault while ‘interrogating’ (aka ripping to pieces) a Hyperion agent

  • Zer0 the Assassin (note the zero used instead of an O at the end of the name): as his name implies, Zer0 is an assassin for hire whose emotions and kill celebration (a 0) appear on his face mask which he never (or very seldom) removes. His real antecedents are unknown, but he became interested in the vault when he heard about it after a particularly unsatisfying assassination

  • Gaige the Mechromancer: added as DLC alongside Krieg, this character is your quintessential science nerd. She invented Deathtrap for a science fair project to prevent bullying but was cheated of her win by her rival, the bully Marcie, whose dad bought first prize for her. Accidentally vaporising Marcie meant the Gaige had to flee with her murderous machine, which she did. To Pandora, where adventure and new friends were waiting for her, had she but known it

  • Krieg the Psycho: as his moniker implies, Krieg is a psychotic killer. However, it seems as though some unspeakable trauma has driven him into this state of mind as he has a conscience or inner voice who drives him to hurt only those deserving of punishment and he actively tries to avoid hurting innocents. He meets up with Maya first and after a brisk skirmish because of a misunderstanding, the two strike up a grudging friendship

  • Borderlands 2 (GOTY) for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.

    Borderlands franchise

    Borderlands 4
    Borderlands 4
    Release date: 2024
    Borderlands: Triple Pack
    Borderlands: Triple Pack
    Release date: 2015
    Borderlands 2 GOTY
    Borderlands 2 GOTY
    Release date: 2012

    %% commentCount %% comments

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    Game review score based on 402 reviews, all languages included

    Recent reviews

    Perfect game. It balances fun with speed, weapons, story. The best of the 3
    Oh man Moxxi be fine....
    • Moxxi
    one of the best i've ever played, but it doesn't contain ALL DLC's, so be careful pls
    • one of the best ever played
    • does not contain ALL DLC's, be careful pls
    Amazing for those who want to spend a lot of time on collecting guns, Quests and enjoying the game with other people or friends in Co-op!

    I haven't spent much time into this game though, But I'll try my best on spending more time into this game on Steam with friends!
    • Y e s
    So excited to finally be able to play this game! Got it on the mega deal of the century because of the people at Instant-Gaming. Even though I haven't played it yet, when I do I will leave a better review.
    • Yes
    • I dunno yet
    Played 1&2 on Xbox, need to play 3 but I'm playing them all over on steam. You play as a vault hunter search for treasures. Definitely worth playing, it looks almost 2D but it's open world just some interesting graphics
    This game is misleading, the VR doesn't work at all. I had to get a refund. And I don't mean you're just unable to create or join games, I mean you don't even get to see a splash screen kind of doesn't work. I'd advise a hard pass on this one.
    • In theory, sounds like a fun game.
    • In reality, doesn't work at all in VR.
    First hour or so I didn't like the game so much, kinda even regreted buying it even for this cheap price. But after I completed the game I didn't think I would have this much fun. It is also a GOTY so u get some DLC's so u have some more playtime. If u looking for some fun definetly get this game.
    Excellent game, fun, addictive. Vast land, much to explore, so many different weapon types. Very well developed story, in small details. Option to customize caracters and vehicles. Would recommend to all who love FPS.
    This game is my childhood it's awesome, love it, i had so much fun playing it alone and with my friends, so fun that i bought it again for my friend so we can play it even now in 2021, thx gearbox for the borderlands series
    • better in coop
    • pretty graphic
    • a lot of fun
    • none
    Put hours into that game despite that I've never player anything similiar nor another Borderlands game! Even the DLCs bring you a lot of more fun, which not every game can do correctly. Would recommend anyone to play it.
    • Hours and hours of gameplay
    • It aged a bit bad in SOME aspects, which are really small
    The shooting mechanism is overpraised by many fans. Enemies aren't nothing but bullet-sponge dolls, in most cases they are placed randomly around the map. They will also respawn immediately if you exit its area. This is what I usually call a company's strategy to prolong the game with the least effort possible.

    It's been eight years and the game is still not optimized, FPS drops happen, bugs also happen. Games obviously don't age like object so this just proves that there hasn't been an update that would fix all these problems.

    It's a shame that the gameplay absolutely ruined every aspect of the story and the atmosphere for me because characters are actually well written with a lot of humor included. Graphics and the art style is where the game shines at most.
    • Art
    • Characters
    • Dialogues
    • Bullet sponge enemies
    • Bugs, online connections, optimazation, etc.
    I bought this game because I got tired of downloading it from untrusted sites. Now I can enjoy playing this game and not-caring of anything else. This is a game you SHOULD PLAY with friends during quarantine!
    • Really well done game
    • Great COOP integration
    • There are no negatives
    That's an old classic game. Very distinct art style, graphics are good, story line is extremely amazing, good character optimization, very well optimized, CO-OP (which rocks!), a lot of puns, and of course, CL4PTR4P.
    The Game is not bad, fair and balanced, not much difficulties as long as you are in a lobby of 2-4 players, mostly trying to level up is the hard part of the game, a lot of rare and unique weaponry to find and use, multiple classes useful in different ways by their unique skills.
    • shooting
    • looting
    • fighting
    • laughing
    bof vraiment pour passer le temps en attendant une maj d'un autre jeu
    le jeu est cool en lui même les dialogue sont assez marrent mais le style de jeu vraiment bof
    le jeu vaut les 6 € pas plus
    • dialogue
    • gameplay
    i have to saay that this game is epic but sad thing is that BL3 is on epic games so you cant have full serie on steam but who cares its still playable on epic games for a good price here :D if u need coop this is game for u
    • COOP
    • cool graphic design
    • little lags
    Its an amazing game, enjoyed it so much playing it with my friends and can't wait for Borderlands 3, it looks so good. I recomend it to everyone who looks a game to spend hundreds of hours in it. Pd: sorry for my bad English.
    • Lots of weapons, large map, entrusting stoy.
    • Well it gets a bit repetitive.
    game characterized by a very frenetic gameplay, locations very colorful and impactful settings, but the most important thing is probably humor. Borderlands 2 have probably one of the most iconic villain in the story of videogames, Jack the Handsome is a fantastic character, will accompany us for almost the whole adventure.the game gives the best of itself probably if played with a friend, but also in single remains a true pearl of the videogame world.
    • frenetic gameplay,
    • fantastic humor
    • deepens the characters of the previous chapter
    • almost infinite choice of weapons
    • one of the most entertaining video games if played in the company
    • too many DLC sold individually, to buy everything you have to spend a lot
    Love the game, one of my favorite looter shooters.
    fun story line and a lot of jokes, made me smile quite some times !!!
    its especially fun to see a lot of characters from the first installment and its a lot bigger than borderlands one
    if you never tried it i highly recommend it !!
    • nice cartoon grapics
    • fun story
    • funny jokes
    • none whatsoever
    Amazing story! Amazing characters! Huge variety of equipment and ways to combo it. Super cool DLC's totally worth buying. Played almost for 200 hours so far and still not bored of it. A lot of content to go through and totally worth your time! 100/100!
    • Great storyline.
    • Action packed.
    • Funny dialogs.
    • Huge variety of equipment and ways to combo it.
    • LYUDA!
    • Gets kinda repetative on higher levels as you need to grind for the equpment matching your level so you don't fall behind.
    a tester si vous ne l avez pas encore fait.
    Un des meilleurs jeux.
    les graphismes ont un certain style qui ne plait pas a tout le monde, mais on s'y fait vite.
    dialogues immersifs, campagne un peut loufoque, tout es a la hauteur de cette magnifique série
    • Level Designe
    • Personnages
    • pas
    The game is amazing and very fun! Im enjoying the co-op mode with friends as well! The PC requirements are not that big and the story is just perfect definetly GOTY!! Im waiting for Borderlands 3 and i hope they review it Asap
    • Story
    • Co-Op Mode
    • Easy connection with friends
    • Humouristic gameplay
    • Guns! A lot of them
    Pretty good game. If you like the first part, you will love this more.
    The second part has more weapons and more options. Also a new scenario.
    I recommend to play with a friend as this makes more fun in coop mode.
    • Nice long story
    • many dlcs - I recommend buying the GOTY edition
    Very nice game!

    I love to play it.
    <3 <3 <3 <3 < 3< 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 < 3< 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 < 3< 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 < 3< 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3
    Awesome game. Greet story and funny, Nice characters awesome classes. Plenty of hours went by playing in and in joy playing it still. Multiplayer is greet, meet allot of fun people to play with. Recommend for all gamers. :)
    • "Unlimited" possibilities and hours of enjoyment
    • Greet story, greet charaters, greet game.
    • Needs more destruction
    Borderlands 2 is an good and exiting game i played it for ours and the fun never endes you Always get new adventures but the dlcs are expensive so you can buy them here so you can enjoy the game more!
    • Good Long story
    Everything is great in this game, gameplay characters level up weapons, the universe is also very fun, graphics mechanics everything. The coop mode is very fun im playing with 2 friends and we have a lot a fun
    • Coop
    • RPG
    Borderlands 2 is an awesome game. I love the borderlands series. So lets stream Borderlands 2 :D.

    I have played the game before. And i cant stop playing this game. Dont know why.

    So its a 10/10 for sure. Music is also very lovely
    • Love the art style
    • Love the siren gameplay
    • Nice colors and cellshading
    • nothing

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