Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition

Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition

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Minecraft: Java + Bedrock Edition Minecraft for PC is the best-selling video game of all time. That alone should be enough to sell you on it, but here’s a bit more information about why you should start playing right now. It is a sandbox game in which players must mine, build, and craft to create their own ideal world. About the Game The premise of the game is laughably simple: you arrive in the game with nothing more than your hands and a limited inventory. You mine to gather materials...
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Java & Bedrock Edition includes

- Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition
Minecraft: Java + Bedrock Edition

Minecraft for PC is the best-selling video game of all time. That alone should be enough to sell you on it, but here’s a bit more information about why you should start playing right now. It is a sandbox game in which players must mine, build, and craft to create their own ideal world.

About the Game

The premise of the game is laughably simple: you arrive in the game with nothing more than your hands and a limited inventory. You mine to gather materials which you then use to make tools and build houses and other buildings.

Resources range from the very common to the super rare, and often the rarest and most valuable commodities are the hardest to reach, requiring deep mining and even the building of reinforced tunnels to keep flood water or rock falls from setting you back.

There is no story arc, as such: it is entirely up to you as to what you want to achieve. You can build cities, or a rural mansion, you can farm sheep or go fishing. The game is exactly what you and your imagination want it to be.

Some Famous Minecraft Feats

If you want to see some examples of what the game can do the following are easily findable with a quick Google:

  • The Eiffel Tower has been recreated in exquisite and accurate detail in the game. The careful and dedicated player even recreated the beautiful parklands nearby, so you can go and have a look-see around a part of Paris that will make you feel as though you have actually been there

  • Kings Landing from Game of Thrones. It took 175 players two and half years to build the iconic city from the even more iconic television blockbuster. There are also a host of other fictional towns and cities from games (Sonic, Bioshock), popular culture (Star Wars), and books, such as the Lord of the Ring trilogy

  • The medieval town of Chester in the United Kingdom has been painstakingly recreated by a man who lived nearby. He wanted a project to work on with his daughters and the picturesque old town was their favourite place to visit. Hours of careful research and crafting has seen them recreate the city in exquisite detail

  • Working computers and iPhone. A couple of genius players have recreated a working computer – complete with programs that can be run by curious visitors – and an early edition iPhone, complete with touchscreen and apps

  • Some Hints for Fun Play

    There are no instructions about how to craft within the game, but there are a huge number of wikis and how-tos online. Find a couple of sites that seem to have all the info you need and keep the tabs open while you’re playing so that you don’t waste too much time should you forget how to craft a specific item or need a bit of info on what to do next.

    Watch out for Creepers! These sneaky fellows will creep up on you (hence the name) utter a short hiss (just long enough to scare the pants off you but not long enough that you can run away) and then explode, killing you and damaging anything in the immediate vicinity.

    If you do manage to kill a Creeper before they get you, they can drop experience pearls which are valuable and should be gathered without delay.

    Other monsters include spiders, skeletons, zombies, witches, slimes, Endermen and endermites, and more. Each can be defeated in its own way, and learning how to do this can be a steep and thrilling learning curve!

    Animals and monsters are called ‘mobs’. Not because they throng around you (although they can) but because it is short for ‘mobile’ meaning that they can move around – and even wander away altogether if you are not quick at setting out after them!

    Ways to Play

  • Survival Mode: plenty of enemies, this is an exciting and engrossing level to play if you’re looking for some excitement to while away a bit of time.

  • Creative Mode: perfect for those who want to build and see how far they can push their imagination. The world is yours to shape your way!

  • Minecraft for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS:Windows 10
    • Processor:Pentium 4 1.6GHz / Athlon XP 1600+
    • Memory:500 MB
    • Graphics:GeForce 4 MX 440 / Radeon HD 3200
    • Storage:1 GB

    Minecraft franchise

    Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two
    Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two
    Release date: 2017
    Minecraft: Story Mode The Complete Adventure
    Minecraft: Story Mode The Complete Adventure
    Release date: 2016
    Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series
    Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series
    Release date: 2015

    %% commentCount %% comments

    %% comment.date|fromNow|capitalize %%


    Game review score based on 1699 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    In conclusion, Minecraft is a popular and engaging game that offers many benefits for children, including promoting creativity, problem-solving skills, and social interaction. However, playing Minecraft has potential risks, such as exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and addiction.
    • Everithing
    • Nothing
    Favourite game since 2016. You have no real goal but at the same time infinite goals you can set yourself. Doesn't matter if you participate in giant building projects, like to speed run or just chill with friends
    • You can do whatever you want
    • No Limits
    • Creativity
    • Bought from Microsoft
    During activation on the Microsoft website it is written that it is only the JAVA version, but after installation it turns out that we have both the Java and Bedrock versions available.

    Support of Instant Gaming is very helpful in that issue.
    • Java
    • Bedrock
    Its working!!! and its preety good i was thinking at first that it dosent work but u just had to go on the minecraft website and then redeem the code not on microsoft like the insturctions says so it works!
    • Good
    Works and everything! I tried reedeming the game for my friend all worked nicely support everythin went out great as planned thank you instan gaming so much now i can finnaly play with my friends!!!!!
    • Perfect
    Super! Minecraft is one of the very best videogames ever created, since everyone of us was a child he/she got to know about this game and almost surely played it. What I can say is that I really am amazed by how despite how old this game is it's still such a piece of masterpiece.
    • Old and good game
    • Are there any?
    Legit website and honest work; i recommened on people to use this website, no scamming at all. this is the first time i use this instantgaming code redeem, Hope you earn more people in the future keep it up.
    • No scammed
    • Legit website
    real sigma
    MInecraft is an awesome and popular game so there isn't much i can say that you don't already know. I ended up buying this and didn't receive JAVA, nonetheless that doesn't effect how i love the game!!
    • Endless Exploration
    • Attention Grabbing
    • Creative
    • Sometimes Repetative
    • Difficult to get the hand of it when a beginner
    got the code immediately, redeemed it on the official Minecraft website, downloaded the launcher and the game itself and was able to play immediately! very nice and fast, much appreciated :)
    • Got code immediately
    • fast purchase
    • secure payment
    someone help me, the game worked for a few days and suddenly it crashed, it says to try to pay again or log in again. But I bought the game, I didn't subscribe, so what now?
    Had no problems and the code worked
    • Had no problems and the code worked
    This is awesome real not fake


    ✅you get Minecraft with Java and bedrock

    ✅Great deal

    ❌fake no its real
    ist goated

    Amazing price discount loved this game and I am glad to finally own it legally without a cracked account
    • Better Price
    • Hypixel!!
    • Both Java & Bedrock
    • None
    • Ain't no cons

    Recent reviews

    nice, there is not something that make more happy than play minecraft
    • nice
    fast and easy
    its good for playing alone but i just found out that if you want to play with friends you have to pay mothly, and i bught it becouse i wantet to play with my freinds.
    • you get the game
    • you cant play online
    It works like a dream! decently easy to redeem too!
    • Relaxing
    It's a classic game. You have the creative freedom to do anything you want and the world is endless so you can explore forever. What makes this game fun though is the multiplayer aspect. Any game is better with friends and this one is no different. However the graphics are not the best. It's a 3D pixel game after so don't expect much from the visuals without mods. The gameplay can feel repetitive, a lot of the same grind needs to be done in order to gather recourses for your projects. Lastly, some people may encounter performance issues due to large builds, or a lot of entities loading in at the same time which can be worsen if you are playing the game using mods, texture packs and shaders. Despite that, I would recommend everyone play this game no matter what!
    • Creative Freedom
    • Endless Exploration
    • Multiplayer Fun
    • Graphics (without mods)
    • Repetitive Gameplay
    • Performance Issues
    • good seller
    Its a classic and you should have played it at least once. Big modding community and continuous updates from the developers.
    Minecraft good
    • Relaxing alone
    • Fun with friends
    • A lot of mod
    The only bad thing about Minecraft is that Notch sold it to Microsoft.
    • Big blocks
    • Scary at night

    Best reviews

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    %% review.created_at|date_format('Do MMMM YYYY') %% Game bought on IG

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