Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Legendary Edition

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The Dragon Ball RPG of your dreams! For the first time, you can play the rest of the story. Step into the universe of Dragon Ball Z in all its iconic glory and become the hero you were always meant to be!Experience the legendary Dragon Ball Z story with total immersion! A hero on an unending quest to become the greatest warrior in the universe. The son training to live up to his father’s epic legacy. In DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT, you’ll live through every moment in breathtaking clarity. You�...
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Release date:


Game features



- Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
- Season Pass
- Season Pass 2
- 2 Cooking Items
- Tao Pai Pai Pillar

The Dragon Ball RPG of your dreams!

For the first time, you can play the rest of the story. Step into the universe of Dragon Ball Z in all its iconic glory and become the hero you were always meant to be!

Experience the legendary Dragon Ball Z story with total immersion!

A hero on an unending quest to become the greatest warrior in the universe. The son training to live up to his father’s epic legacy. In DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT, you’ll live through every moment in breathtaking clarity. You’ll meet the people who shape the story, take on a would-be hero’s life, and learn firsthand exactly what’s worth fighting for!

Fight, Fish, Fly, Eat, Explore, and so much more!

Life on Earth has so much to offer a Saiyan hero, and you can try it all! Go fishing to relax after a big battle, eat a hero-sized meal with your Z Fighter friends, explore the city, or take off and fly to the farthest horizon. You can also complete unique side Story Quests to help out the people of the Cities and Villages. Living these peaceful, fulfilling moments in the world of Dragon Ball brings you closer to the characters than ever before.

Relive the most iconic arcs through epic fights!

Now that you’ve tasted everything this bustling planet has to offer, there’s even more on the line when opponents come looking to tear it all down. When the worst of the worst show up with their schemes, you’ll be waiting to take them down as your favorite characters!


Game review score based on 185 reviews, all languages included

Best reviews

I proceeded with the payment, which was sketchy initially but worth it. Service was fast, on point, and easily understandable. I would recommend it to any gamer out there with their lower-priced game.
  • Fast Service
  • Understandable Menu
  • Secured Information
  • Taxes on top of the price which was introduced
The most affordable price for this game including all the dlcs
  • Price - benefits

Recent reviews

Is the global version in English? Sorry lol not a review will be back to review. I have this on Xbox and Nintendo switch I want for steam deck so yeah it's a good game . This come with all dlc as well which I do not have
  • Awesome game
  • Some say flying is weird but you can remap buttons
Exellent rpg dragon ball
Whether you’re a longtime follower or new to the franchise, this is a piece you won’t want to miss.
  • Gameplay
  • Story
  • Kakarot
  • RPG elements
Peak Game buy it
  • Peak Game
  • 3D World
Really good game, everything is just perfect. DLC are good just as normal story mode. You have a lot to explore, season pass 2 and dlcs are expensive but if you are a dragon ball fan its worth every cent to pay for this game.
its a cool game if you already know the story but its just not the same as the show. the battles are cool but they get repetitive after a while if you are like fighting those red ribbon robots or other normal enemy's, the boss fights are awesome but way to easy. Its supposed to be an RPG but it doesn't feel like it. The game developers just give you random exp after cut scenes for example, after frieze died both goku and vegeta got like 15million exp to boost their levels up to the norm, side quests are not fun at all and give you no rewards that are usefull untill after the frieza arc.

cut scenes of course


driving dialog (just for vegeta and goku tho)

too easy

the spamming of loading screens for side quests

alot of slow motion (you can turn it off if you want to but its on automaticly anyways)

28th January 2020


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  • ok
Great game, but the DLC's are taking for ever to out. It can be longer, a bit short without DLC's, but overall great Dragon ball Z experience, I realy recommend this game to all Dragon Ball fans who want to review the anime.
  • BDZ
  • DLC's taking forever
Great game, maybe not the longest without DLCs, but it's ok. Code worked no problem.

Mechanics are good, not too difficult to master. I like the open world aspect of it. You don't have to follow through with the main story but can do whatever you like.
good game, run very well on steam deck.

The game follows the adventures of Goku and other characters from Dragon Ball Z, from the Saiyan saga to the Majin Buu saga. Players can explore the vast game world, complete missions, and battle against the series' most iconic enemies.

One of the strengths of the game is certainly its faithfulness to the original series. Fans of Dragon Ball Z will definitely appreciate the attention to detail and the fact that many iconic moments from the series have been faithfully reproduced.

However, the game also has some weaknesses. Side missions can be repetitive and uninteresting, and combat can become monotonous after a while. Additionally, the game's plot is rather linear and does not offer much freedom of choice.

Overall, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a game that will definitely satisfy fans of the series. However, if you are not a hardcore fan of Dragon Ball Z, you may find the game a bit repetitive and limited.
  • good graphics
  • the story we love
  • the level system is not convincing
One of the best games that I've ever played, a great DBZ game to play, low playable characters but mainly follows the main Z story as the manga/anime. Great game to play, runs well at 60 frames per second without any drops of frames.
is very beatifull and left very bautifull moment

dragon ball is my history and i love dragon ball and the grafic, gameplay,textures, 0 bug per gli appassionati e una cosa spettacolare veramente unico!
  • memoris
i really like dragon ball and I am a big big fan

There are dozens of Dragon Ball Z games and Kakarot represents only the latest attempt to fully retell the manga gggg
Nostalgia in a game, that really says it all. It's not 100% the exact same as the anime because hey, it's been adapted to a game, but you do play out the entire dang story with all the key moments from it.
  • DragonballZ in a game
  • Dragonball Easter eggs
  • Especially in crucial moments in the story it feels like you open a can of whoop ass or struggle at the right times
  • Other easter eggs (play to find out)
  • minigames and card battle!
  • There's a dedicated button for everything, it's an RPG with fighting elements if you expect a complex fighting game.
Very good game! ;) I love it. Many play style,and combo. Sound's really good. Very good animation's. Many-many playing hour's need to 100% complete this game,so i happy for this. ;) Story is funny some time. ;)
  • This world huge.
  • Only Play Controller
its a cool game if you already know the story but its just not the same as the show. the battles are cool but they get repetitive after a while if you are like fighting those red ribbon robots or other normal enemy's, the boss fights are awesome but way to easy. Its supposed to be an RPG but it doesn't feel like it. The game developers just give you random exp after cut scenes for example, after frieze died both goku and vegeta got like 15million exp to boost their levels up to the norm, side quests are not fun at all and give you no rewards that are usefull untill after the frieza arc.
  • cut scenes of course
  • nostalgia
  • driving dialog (just for vegeta and goku tho)
  • too easy
  • the spamming of loading screens for side quests
  • alot of slow motion (you can turn it off if you want to but its on automaticly anyways)

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