Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Europe
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Europe) for PC is a multiplayer first-person shooter, the fifth of the Black Ops series of the popular Call of Duty games, of which this marks the fifteenth release. About the Game Call of Duty is perhaps the go-to thought when people think about military-based first-person shooter games, and there are an entire generation of gamers who have grown up alongside the franchise. This experience in the field shows with this incarnation of the game which offers a fai...
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Battle Edition

Battle Edition - Europe

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  • Multiplayer mode only
  • Blackout mode only
  • -2 more
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Pro Edition

Pro Edition - Europe

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  • 1,100 Call of Duty points
  • Black Ops Pass
  • -2 more
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Standard Edition - Europe

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
  • -5 more
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Europe) for PC is a multiplayer first-person shooter, the fifth of the Black Ops series of the popular Call of Duty games, of which this marks the fifteenth release.

About the Game

Call of Duty is perhaps the go-to thought when people think about military-based first-person shooter games, and there are an entire generation of gamers who have grown up alongside the franchise.

This experience in the field shows with this incarnation of the game which offers a fairly small map, but one that is rich in high-quality loot. These two factors make gameplay fast and exciting with high-risk, high-reward quests making the blood pump.

The game is populated with occasional patches of zombies who can make your life awkward if you’re in the middle of a careful tactical campaign or fending off other players. Zombies come bumbling in, drawing all sorts of the wrong kind of attention and needing to be taken care of straight away. The best laid tactical plans and hastily cobbled together strategies alike can be undone with the advent of a bunch of the curious undead!

Lots to Do

As well as the main story arc, there are plenty of side missions and quests to play through. These include Heist, where it is a race to find caches of money and weapons and other valuables before the other guys, and then a whole other race to keep your treasures with you until you can secure them safely!

You can also indulge a passion for zombie killing by competing against other players to kill as many zombies as possible within a certain time limit. Winner takes the prize, but everyone reaps the satisfaction of seeing waves of the undead mown down until a hail of bullets – excellent payback for the above-mentioned ruined tactics!

Ways to Play

  • Solo Missions mode – also called ‘Specialists’, these solo missions explore the back stories of the team. Play as each team member in turn to get the full flavour of the characters that you will be inhabiting later in multiplayer mode

  • Multiplayer – (competitive multiplayer) team up with friends and strangers against more of the same, as you battle your way to mission objectives with a wide range of weaponry and gadgets all designed to help you blast your way to success

  • Zombies – Zombie mode could be renamed ‘cooperative multiplayer mode’ without losing any accuracy. Team up with other players and take out as many enemies as possible: with zombies as that mutual enemy, of course. Spraying down wave after wave of zombies with your teammates aiding you and cheering you on is a cathartic way to pass forty minutes or so, before getting back into the long story arc and cracking on with the mission

  • Blackout Mode – this is COD’s version of a Battle Royale type gorefest. Slug it out with up to a hundred other players, looking to become the last man standing – but do watch out for those pesky zombies! They even pop up in this most tense of battlegrounds, interfering with your progress and even (unwittingly) helping to get you killed!

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Europe) for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS:Win 7 64
    • Processor:Core i3-4340 3.6GHz / FX-6300
    • Memory:8 GB
    • Graphics:GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7950
    • Storage:55 GB

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    %% commentCount %% comments

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    Game review score based on 254 reviews, all languages included

    Recent reviews

    Fast and code worked and would purchase from here again highly recommended
    • Good all round
    • Nothing
    So, I just bought the game but it says code has been redeemed? Are you kidding me? I have only about 5h a week to play games and its always late sunday, I was so excited to play it but it seems instant gaming has scammed me. I need this to be solved asap and I will never, ever, again buy anything from this website.,
    They were really fast with replies and everything. They have also gave me a warning about a possible region conflict with my purchase and offered to refund without me asking. So I'm happy with my purchase and will continue to buy games from them in the future... APPROVED!
    Just buy it, wait till its downloaded and play it!
    It without problems!
    Also verry cheap, thank u Instant Gaming <3
    U get ur code and have absolutly no problems ingame, so that u can play as u wish :)
    • No problems
    • Long time to download (because of the much MBs)
    not many active players anymore. I really liked it back then when MW wasn't out. The singleplayer campagne is pretty good, too. Graphics are good, as you'd expect. The game had a really good flow to play.
    • Good gameplay
    • Not many people playing
    Its very good and have many actions i find its very good i want to say this game is GOOD xD
    Its a good game Campange is very interesting and multiplayer too. But over 100 gb for this game
    and by a not so good internet its horrible. But the games graphics amd other is still good.
    • SALE
    • ACTION
    • GOOD
    • 140GB for this game
    Super jeux malgré l'age de la plupart des joueurs situés entre 7 et 14 ans. Il reste pas trop mal a jouer malgré quelque bug mais c'est pas bien grave de toute façon le nouveau est sortie. le seul problème c'est que c'est futuriste.
    • Fast service
    • don't have
    Great game worth it if you want to play it. The multyplayer options it has are diverse and there is also zombies, multyplayer and battle royal, all game modes have progression system. Grinding is a thing
    • FPS
    Πεταμενα λεφτα!! Aθλια και θολα γραφικα!! Αρπαχτη κανανε μολις μυριστηκαν το χρημα πανω στην ανοδο των battle royale games.. και δεν εχει και story mode.. ουτε τα 30κατι που το δινουν σε προσφορα δεν αξιζει!
    • none
    • No story mode
    • Bad and blury graphics
    • Bad sound
    amazing game very good easy to run and enjoyable brought a few times across multiple platforms, The call of duty series lately has had a futuristic twist but this one has been toned down and isn't to in your face about the future
    • very good experience compared to previous cods
    • always get your standard bs xD
    So even though the game launched with a lot of issues and thus people rating it with -10, Activision managed to patch it up in a week, which is a good job, the game now feels as fun as Black Ops 2, entertaining multiplayer, the weapons progression is satisfying and Blackout mode is a cool mode, personally I don't like it, but it adds something to the game. We have to give a little credit to Activision because although COD WW2 andBO3 were not good, this game makes a difference.
    • Performance wise is very good
    • Great weapon progression and customization
    • BO2 experience
    • Though not being creative, kill strikes are very satisfying too
    • Maps are all close quarters, makes the sniper unplayable
    • Had bugs on launch week, still has some performance issues
    I bought the game on Blizzard sale , because Instant Gaming just delivery a EU CD Keys.
    I purchased it there , downloaded it , and im stuck to even login to the menu because of an Error that the forum is full with it..

    Asked for a Refund and hope i will get it back , to spent all the money to working games on Instant Gaming.

    It time to add in the rating - 100 - 90 - 80 and so on..
    • apsoluetly nothing is here positive.
    • Cant Connect Online
    • Can see even the menu to join single player
    • All you get from the Deluxe edition is a loading screen wich one is faling to finish process
    • Only one button is available = Exit to desctop
    • Brocken Gamen
    Great game worth it if you want to play it. The multyplayer options it has are diverse and there is also zombies, multyplayer and battle royal, all game modes have progression system. Grinding is a thing
    • Content diversity
    • none
    Acer predator helios 500,i7 8750,gtx 1070 run this game at 20 fps when it find players.
    Day i dl game,in 7 hrs it found 2 times enough players for battle royale.
    S..t game
    Just google "no players in blackout" and low fps on high end pc-s and see how much ppl have problems
    • Nothing
    • Incorect minimum and recomended specs
    • You have to modify your router to maybe aces online content
    • No support due this problems are old,from launch game,and no solution
    Awesome game ! ! ! I enjoy it :) I was playing PUBG all the time . Then i bought this game and after 4 hrs of playing it i went back to PUBG and after one game i just deleted PUBG, because this game have not desync, no big fps drops . Big love
    Macht richtig Spaß. Gefällt mir sehr gut das Spiel. Man hat immer etwas zu tun und durch den Schwarzmarkt jetzt hat man einfach ein ziel wo man drauf hin sparen kann. Finde es sehr gut umgesetzt. Kann es nur Empfehlen.
    • Blackout
    • Multiplayer
    Just don't buy this game. In every multiplayer match I go there are only assault rifles or smgs in the killfeed. And when you try to play with a skill based weapon you just get melted. Also skill based matchmaking is retarded.
    • Good Zombies
    • Blackout is decent
    • Multiplayer is fucking boring
    I like this game, it's big fun, but sometimes you find some toxic people, but it doesn't matter, when you play solo it's good, but with friends is more fun when you play zombies or blackout or multiplayer (sorry for my english :( ).
    • Zombies
    • Multiplayer
    • Blackout
    • Sometimes toxic people
    • You must have good pc for 60 fps :(
    Une bonne suite à BO3 , malheureusement légèrement pompé de celui-ci. Néanmoins le zombie est vraiment bien fait et le Multi à un bon équilibrage . Facile à prendre en main , mais nécessite un pc de malade pour avoir une bonne qualité de jeu . EDIT - Le jeu est extrêmement répétitif
    • Excellent prise en maine
    • Zombie et Multi Divins
    • Héros amusants et disponibles à touts niveaux
    • Pompé de Bo3
    • Nécessite un pc de malade pour avoir une qualité correcte avec des fps corrects
    Just another Call of Duty game, aimed for children who must have every single CoD year after year. This one doesn't even have the Campaign and Single player mode and the price is higher than the previous ones? This is the company that was made with greed and monetizing every single aspect of the game. It also copies the battle royale genre which other games came up with. The lack of talent, inovation and basicly anything is so obvious, it doesnt deserve a penny.
    The game is repetitive, it's been the same for like 10 years now, lack of content, greedy practices of the company and I can hardly say a single good thing about it. And it's not just this CoD game, it's all Cod games from MW3 onwards.
    • Good optimization
    • Repetitive
    Black ops 4 ist ein neutrales Black Ops und macht meistens Spaß, doch: es gibt viele Waffen die unbalanced sind obwohl der Hauptpunkt des releases eigentlich das balancing war. z.B. ist die Spitfire mit schnellfeuer einfach auf kurze Entfernung unaufhaltsam da man sehr schnell Tot ist trotz den 150 Leben. Die Spezialistenfähigkeiten nerven sehr vorallem wenn man auf Streak ist. Trotzdem macht es oft Spaß.

    Instantgaming hat malwieder gute Arbeit geleistet, schnelle Lieferung, schnelle Aktivierung.
    • Grafik
    • Tarnungen
    • Spielmodi
    • Schwarzmarkt
    • kein pay to win
    • ein Paar unbalanced Waffen
    • Spezialisten
    Definitely bought this game as I got sick of the PUBG chinese hackers, so far it has been really great.
    Whenever I get bored and wanna try something different there is always zombies and classic multiplayer, which is very fun also.
    • Blackout
    I didn't get outfits for my DIGITAL preorder? It was delivered by time but it supposed to be a digital version but its cd version, i would like to get digital version that was preordered ? thank you....
    • Delivered by time
    • This isnt digital preored how so i cant unlock outfits
    El juego esta perfecto salvo por algun jugador toxico que me encontre y el time to kill que es demasiado grande. Los mapas estan bien creados y se puede mover uno con mucha fluidez En resumen COMPRALO
    • Multijugador
    • Zombis
    • Blackout
    • Esencia de bo2
    • Camperos / Pilla respawns
    • Guiris Toxicos
    • Time to Kill
    • FACIL
    Is Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Multiplayer good? The PC version of the game had some concerns during the beta, have those been fixed for the full release of the game? Here's my take on the good and bad of CoD Black Ops 4 Multiplayer so far. Let me know what you think of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 so far, and what console or platform you are playing on. If you've played Blackout or Zombies shout out in the comments with your impressions so far
    • -_-+
    • --
    I bought this game and i loved it, it is a very nice game and the grafik is also nice.
    Probs to Treyarc and Activision well done.

    I played this game with my friends, we had really much fun at the beta.
    • Grafik
    • Gameplay
    • Blackout
    • nothing
    • nothing
    I got the game for the battle royale mode. Its really great. Gonna uninstall PUBG now. And if you need a break, you can play some of the other 10 multiplayer modes. "Controll" is really fun in a classical capture. This will be one of 2018/2019 top 10 games, maby even top 5.
    • many modes
    • fun
    • minor bugs on release
    Survivor mode feels like playing some beta of PUBG. Not the same feel in game as PUBG. Some errors, needs restart from time to time. Some server problems also, resulting in lag during gameplay. Multiplayer maps are ridiculously small.
    • Good moving
    • bad sound, feels like playing in monosound
    • needs a monster machine for good graphics

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