Assassin's Creed: Origins

Assassin's Creed: Origins - Europe

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ASSASSIN’S CREED® ORIGINS IS A NEW BEGINNING *The Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed®: Ancient Egypt is available now as a free update!* Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths as you go back to the one founding moment: The Origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood. A COUNTRY TO DISCOVER Sail down the Nile, uncover the mysteries of the pyramids or fight your way against dangerous ancient f...
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Assassin's Creed: Origins

Standard Edition - Europe

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Assassin's Creed: Origins (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Standard Edition - US

  • Assassin's Creed: Origins
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Assassin's Creed: Origins Gold Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Gold Edition - Europe

  • Assassin's Creed Origins
  • The Deluxe Pack
  • Season Pass
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Assassin's Creed Origins - Deluxe Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Deluxe Edition - Europe

  • Assassin's Creed Origins
  • The Ambush at Sea mission
  • The Desert Cobra pack
  • 3 Ability points
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Assassin's Creed Origins - Deluxe Edition (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)

Deluxe Edition - US

  • Assassin's Creed Origins
  • The Ambush at Sea mission
  • The Desert Cobra pack
  • 3 Ability points
  • -1 more
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Assassin's Creed: Origins Season Pass

Assassin's Creed: Origins Season Pass

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Game features



*The Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt is available now as a free update!*

Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths as you go back to the one founding moment: The Origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood.

Sail down the Nile, uncover the mysteries of the pyramids or fight your way against dangerous ancient factions and wild beasts as you explore this gigantic and unpredictable land.

Engage into multiple quests and gripping stories as you cross paths with strong and memorable characters, from the wealthiest high-born to the most desperate outcasts.

Experience a completely new way to fight. Loot and use dozens of weapons with different characteristics and rarities. Explore deep progression mechanics and challenge your skills against unique and powerful bosses.

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Game review score based on 588 reviews, all languages included

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great game and service
I played for like 9 hours and then it just didnt let me in the game anymore
mummy :)
great game who ever likes the egypt atmosphere
This game is truly incredible. It is the best turn that could have taken the series. The graphisms are beautiful, the fighting system is good but a bit capricious at times. The story is okay but what really sells it are the characters. The enemies that you are tracking have a real personnality and you don't feel like they are the stereotypical douchebags from the first AC games.

I even found myself not wanting to fast travel at times because roaming around the desert feels relaxing, the world feels real (except those fcking mountains where the enemies are like max level for no reason) and not synthetic.

In short, this game is one of the best games I've played, and I truly recommend it to anyone.
  • The world
  • The graphisms
  • The Characters
  • The controls can be a bit tedious at times
  • I guess the "go & collect all those chests" can be annoying for some, but it's really not the worst in this game
It was one of the best games I've ever played and I would instantly recommend it to anyone wanting to start into the Assassin's Creed Franchise or just someone searching for a good game. Stunning visuals and the story was very exciting. Also learned much about Egyptian history.
  • Stunning visuals
  • Exciting story
  • Learning
It was one of the best games I've ever played and I would instantly recommend it to anyone wanting to start into the Assassin's Creed Franchise or just someone searching for a good game. Stunning visuals and the story was very exciting. Also learned much about Egyptian history.
  • Stunning visuals
  • Very good story
  • Interesting knowledge
I am Russian and really wanted to play this game in Russian language, but when they write that this is the European version, it is not clear that there is no Russian in the game and English does not work
  • it's an assassin
  • Parkour
  • Texture
  • There is no Russian language
  • English voice acting does not work
absolutely love this game the world is huge and beautiful.

The main quest line is great but not that long, side quests are ok but for me after completing the main story i lose interest but still enjoyed the game.
  • great graphics
  • great story
  • main story is not that long
  • gear upgrade was painful
This game is a masterpiece, it might be the first attempt for Ubisoft to enter the RPG genre but it's a good one. The story was very good and the character build up was on point. I just loved Bayek and his story.
  • Graphics
  • Story
I d say this game is a 7/10. I have played a lot of assasins creed and this game i liked it for a first run. After i lost interes. The graphics are good, the combat system is one of the best things of the game after being used to old assasins creeds where it was only defend and counterattack. The thing i hated the most about the game is the leveling system, im a good player but if you vs an enemy that is only 2 levels above you it will be a pain to kill him, fighting stronger enemies that are marked in red will make u take a lot of time as you will do less damage and they can just kill you in 2 attacks.
  • Good graphics
  • A big Map
  • Combat system
  • Level system
  • The history didn't attract me
  • You will have to search and complete lot of annoying sidequest to be at the right level to continue
Its really nice game every suspect from the game is so good and it has incredible combat.BUT two thing that i do not like are the stealth and grind. in other ac games the stealth part is way better than here.
  • combat
  • enviroment
  • story
  • grind
  • stealth
I LOVE EVERY ASSASSIN GAME ALL OF THEM ! <3 the best (you need to play all assassin games to understand better the gameplay and the story, but its ok if you dont care or you just wanna play for fun not for story)
  • History
  • Big map
  • Epic graphics
  • Amazing gameplay
  • Egypt
  • Small bugs (like every game ofc)
I love this game so far. This game brought me back again in AC World! I love it, huge map, a lot to discover. Lots of different build, gear, and so on. The graphics is really beautiful. I like Egypt, i like how it is looks.
  • Big map
  • Beautiful places
  • Some quests are just time wasting for me.
//Hungarian language!
Nem tudom azt mondani hogy az AC:Origins egy jó AC,mert nem tudom milyenek voltak az elöző gamek,viszont azt tudom mondani hogy az AC:Origins egy remek játék önmagában.
Annyira jó játék hogy jövőhéten megyek is Görögországba. :D
  • Egyiptomi környezet
  • Jó történet
  • Fantasztikus hangulat
  • Kevés bug
  • Jó harcrendszer
  • Csak 30 órás
  • Egy idő után időhúzzó mellékküldetések
I love this game... Big map, beautiful graphics, gameplay, nice story. I can't stop playing this game, because I love Egypt and I love exploring Pyramids and climb to the top.. This is the one of the best game of this year.. :D
I love this game... Big map, beautiful graphics, gameplay, nice story. I can't stop playing this game, because I love Egypt and I love exploring Pyramids and climb to the top.. This is the one of the best game of this year.. :D
  • Egypt
  • Very BIG map
  • Nice story
  • Beautiful graphics
Not a very good assassins game, combat is scuffed, you barely ever get to assassinate anyone but you have to fight them to kill them, you also can't do stealth very well, although all of this is very annoying the actual base game is beautiful
  • beautiful game
  • combat is choppy
It's a complete disconnection from the AC franchise. It has RPG elements. Take that hidden blade and hood off and I wouldn't recognize it's an AC game. It still has one shot kill assassination system but the map locations sometimes feel like it was designed by someone who has never touched a single AC game, enemies or animals are placed randomly around the map (Odyssey has it much worse) and this can bring only annoyance. The combat system is only fun when it comes to stealth, sword fights are incredibly frustrating as enemies are nothing but time consuming damage sponges. Story is fun, many plot twists and lots of things to explore in a very beautiful Egyptian world.
It's been a few years and this game still feels very unfinished because of the lags and spikes even for new generation PC components (limiting your FPS fixed that for me).
  • Good story and characters
  • Open world maps full of quests (historical landmarks)
  • A lot of bugs, optimization, animation, lag and unsynced voice errors
  • Annoying combat system
  • Everything is repetitive
  • Learning new abilities is quite boring, they feel too basic.
i love this game <3 i hope u guys will wnjoy thi game if will u buy it.And do not forget about weekly challanges or different type of challanges.just give it a try and i am sure that u will like it so much
  • good story
  • good graphics
  • good story evolution
  • good
  • nothing
  • nothing
  • nothing
  • nothing
Been an Assassin's Creed fan ever since it started. Sure, it doesn't feel like a true 'Assassin's Creed' game. But it is a damn good game.
Who likes games like Witcher 3, will surely like this one, even if the history isn't a Tolkien level
  • Great looking game
  • The game is easy even in the hardest difficulty
A fun game which is worth the time spent. I really enjoyed surfing the pyramids and the looting system. The new flames are fun aswell. The character is interesting and the characters for this game are really rememberable.

Enjoyed it all.
  • Great story
  • Lovely setting
  • Beautiful places
  • Fun gameplay
  • Cool effects
  • Over in about 50 hours when you've done the most interesting parts. 1 euro per hour, really not bad.
El mejor Assassin's Creed de la saga. Mantiene la esencia de las anteriores entregas, añadiendo elementos novedosos. Se hace un poco raro el hecho de que ahora tenga mucho de RPG, pero una vez te acostumbras a los controles y mecanicas del juego, te enganchas al instante.
  • Jugabilidad
This game is absolutely worth its price, highly recommend to buy and play it! The graphics are amazing, huge map to discover. Compared to previous AC games, the fight system is different, but much more challenging and enjoyable.
  • New fighting system
  • Great story line
  • Huge map to discover
  • Amazing graphics
love this game... Big map, beautiful graphics, gameplay, nice story. I can't stop playing this game, because I love Egypt and I love exploring Pyramids and climb to the top.. This is the one of the best game of this year.. :D
Très bon jeux par rapport à Unity. il est plus orienter Rpg et il y a de nombreuse quêtes secondaire qui sont toutes intéressante et différentes ce que j'aime bien. Du plus, son Open World est très vaste et très vivant: il y a beaucoup de petit détail, on se croit vraiment en Egypte.
  • Open World tres grand
  • Un vrai documentaire
  • Personnage charismatique
  • Quetes principales et secondaires intéressante
  • Rien à dire
This is THE MOST enjoyable AC so far from all the AC games I have played. AC 4 Black Flag was my favourite and had set a benchmark for me both in terms of story, and gameplay but Origins tops it very easily. Just exploring the intricately designed world of Origins is exciting and fun and would keep players busy for hours. This is a must-have AC title.
  • Huge open-world
  • Number and variety of side quests
  • Gorgeous graphics
  • Best combat system in AC franchise
  • Re-play value
  • Cant' think of any
Je ne suis pas un inconditionnel de la série Assassin's Creed. J'ai joué au premier sur PS3,et à Unity (pour la reconstitution du Paris sous la Révolution). Pour autant , Origins m'a bien plu. D'abord, parce que l'on revient aux origines du mythe. D'autre part, parce que le fil conducteur de cet épisode est bien construit. D'une (petite) histoire de vengeance personnelle, on entre de plein pied dans la grande histoire avec les intrigues et complots sous l'égypte de Ptolémée XIII, et avec César et Cléopâtre en guest stars. Les décors sont splendides, les musiques envoûtantes sans jamais provoquer de sentiment de lassitude. J'ai atteint le niveau 40 assez facilement hormis certains passages contre des adversaires vraiment balèzes. La maniabilité du perso est plutôt bonne, même si les combats manquent de technique. Enfin, les arènes offrent du challenge et du fun, bien plus que les quêtes de l'aventure. Au niveau des défauts, je retiendrais d'abord, l'indication de tous les points d'intérêt, villes ,temples, lors des quêtes, qui brisent l'immersion et le plaisir de la découverte, vu qu'à partir de là, le jeu se limite à faire des allers-retours. Egalement, les enquêtes qui sont ratées, car ou est le plaisir de chercher des indices, quand on nous les indique immédiatement.
En terme d'équilibrage aussi, passé le niveau 35-36, les adversaires n'offrent plus de challenge, j'ai nettoyé la map de tous les "phylakes" en quelques dizaines de minutes, le temps de sillonner la carte.
Et enfin, le niveau max de 40, qui une fois atteint engendre le frustration. Il faudra sans doute que je fasse le season pass pour prolonger l'aventure et le durée de vie du jeu. Mention bien tout de même.
  • les origines du mythe
Took me 73h to complete everything, plus 30h the season pass. I thouroughly enjoyed this game! It is a step to the right direction for AC games. I, as a Greek, hope the next one will be in ancient Greece!
  • Nice visuals,great viewing distance
  • Solid storyline
  • Interesting characters
  • More than 30hrs of playtime for main story
  • Poor performance on 4c/4t cpu
  • Some textures are poor
  • DRMs

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