Valorant is a first-person hero shooter game. It is set in the near future in an alternative universe, with players taking the part of agents (this is what heroes are called in this game), choosing from characters taken from all sorts of cultures and countries all over the world.
About the Game
The teams are comprised of five agents on each side, and must either attack or defend according to the AI’s whim. Agents all have unique skills which must be charged up before use, through kills, de...
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Release date:
1 June 2020
Valorant is a first-person hero shooter game. It is set in the near future in an alternative universe, with players taking the part of agents (this is what heroes are called in this game), choosing from characters taken from all sorts of cultures and countries all over the world.
The teams are comprised of five agents on each side, and must either attack or defend according to the AI’s whim. Agents all have unique skills which must be charged up before use, through kills, deaths, orbs or spike actions. All these actions all earn currency which can be spent on extra weapons and abilities.
Pro-tip: Orbs are found objects that give you ULT points, which boost your agent’s Ultimate ability bar. Spikes are bomb-like devices which must be planted and activated in order to succeed in your mission.
There are 16 agents altogether, and you must put together the best five from the full list to assure your victory. The sixteen are: Astra, Breach, Brimstone, Cipher, Jett, KAY/O, Killjoy, Omen, Phoenix, Raze,. Reyna, Sage, Skye, Sova, Viper, Yoru. These agents fall into four different categories: duellist, sentinel, initiator and controller, each of which has different benefits and abilities in the game.
Kills you make generate green first aid boxes which boost health, armour and ammo. If you are killed you will automatically respawn elsewhere on the map. There are a total of four game maps to play across in the various game modes.
There are five different game modes, so everyone is sure to find their favourite way to play.
Unranked: You play the best of 25 matches in this game mode. The attacking team must take their Spike to one of the designated spots and protect it for 45 seconds. If they do this, it blows up the defenders and the attackers win a point. If the defenders defuse it or the 100-second timer expires before the spike is activated, the defenders will gain a point. If all the members of a team are taken out before spike activation, the opponents gain a point
Spike Rush Mode: Play the best of seven rounds, or first to four points. All agents’ abilities, except their ultimate ability, are fully charged from the start, and the ultimate ability charges twice as fast as usual. All players carry a Spike, but only one spike can be activated at a time. In this mode, weapons are randomised and everyone starts out with the same gun. Look out for multiple power-up orbs for a real boost!
Competitive*: This mode is something like ‘Unranked’ but for players who have earned a rank. This happens after you’ve played five games although you will need to win ten unranked games before you can play competitive games. The first team to 12 wins. In the event of a very even match, a 2-point lead will be needed to win the game. You can vote to end the game resulting in a draw, as long as enough team members agree to it
Deathmatch: A glorious nine-minute free-for-all. You spawn into the game with a random agent and no abilities, from which point you must race around and make 40 kills as fast as you can, only using gunplay. With each kill you get a green health pack that restores you to full health, armour and ammo (unless you are using a machine gun, in which case you get an extra 30 bullets)
Escalation: A team-based mode, with five players on each team. The game provides a randomly selected array of weapons to work through and each team must achieve a certain number of kills to move onto the next weapon. There are two ways to win: by getting through all twelve weapon levels, or being on a higher level than the other team after ten minutes of play. Again, the game relies on gunplay, but with some abilities activated for all to use
NB *Competitive play starts at Iron and rises to Radiant which has 3 levels. Immortal and Radiant are for the top 500 players are awarded their own stats board which is visible to all.
Valorant is a fast-paced strategic shooter, needing you to think on your feet in order to achieve victory.
About the Game
The teams are comprised of five agents on each side, and must either attack or defend according to the AI’s whim. Agents all have unique skills which must be charged up before use, through kills, deaths, orbs or spike actions. All these actions all earn currency which can be spent on extra weapons and abilities.
Pro-tip: Orbs are found objects that give you ULT points, which boost your agent’s Ultimate ability bar. Spikes are bomb-like devices which must be planted and activated in order to succeed in your mission.
The Nitty Gritty
There are 16 agents altogether, and you must put together the best five from the full list to assure your victory. The sixteen are: Astra, Breach, Brimstone, Cipher, Jett, KAY/O, Killjoy, Omen, Phoenix, Raze,. Reyna, Sage, Skye, Sova, Viper, Yoru. These agents fall into four different categories: duellist, sentinel, initiator and controller, each of which has different benefits and abilities in the game.
Kills you make generate green first aid boxes which boost health, armour and ammo. If you are killed you will automatically respawn elsewhere on the map. There are a total of four game maps to play across in the various game modes.
Ways to Play
There are five different game modes, so everyone is sure to find their favourite way to play.
NB *Competitive play starts at Iron and rises to Radiant which has 3 levels. Immortal and Radiant are for the top 500 players are awarded their own stats board which is visible to all.
Valorant is a fast-paced strategic shooter, needing you to think on your feet in order to achieve victory.
Game's latest news

NVIDIA fixes the bug that caused Valorant to crash on RTX 50s
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Valorant will soon be running to Unreal Engine 5
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Best reviews
This is an absolute piece or work. The mechanics, the skins it all just clicks in your head. The guns are also very accurate. There is only one con and that is the players. There are lots of e-daters and toxic instalockers
- Everything else
- Lots of E-Daters
- Toxic players
I mean, it's a pretty good game, but sometimes I wonder if the devs really want to keep this game alive.
It all started really well, the mechanics and agents are unique and fun to play (except reyna), but on the other side, they removed so much good stuff. Like a game mode (Replication) was so much fun, everybody liked it and they just removed it for "play the game in other ways" wich is dumb.
The community is also a HUGE problem. A lot of toxic peoples, e-daters, sometimes cheaters... The community is like CS2's community but worse. Instead of a russian screaming, you have a toxic german reyna insta-lock saying "ff u ****". And you want to know the worst part? They don't punish them. At best they have a week-ban or comm ban, but nothing much. BUT, if you dare say the wrong words that is not even an insult, you are being COMPLETELY BANNED for a week and muted instantly. They really don't give a about their community being harrassed by communities. All they do is adding more and more expensive skins..
Oh yeah, skins!
Don't buy them... Sometimes you'll pay 50 bucks for a skin that doesn't look good. And you can't even sell them! I mean don't expect much more from a Riot game... They made League of Legends after all...
So in short, the game is good, but the company Riot Games and the community ruins it all.
If you get val, I recommend playing some swiftplays, you will get fun games and fun mates must of the time
It all started really well, the mechanics and agents are unique and fun to play (except reyna), but on the other side, they removed so much good stuff. Like a game mode (Replication) was so much fun, everybody liked it and they just removed it for "play the game in other ways" wich is dumb.
The community is also a HUGE problem. A lot of toxic peoples, e-daters, sometimes cheaters... The community is like CS2's community but worse. Instead of a russian screaming, you have a toxic german reyna insta-lock saying "ff u ****". And you want to know the worst part? They don't punish them. At best they have a week-ban or comm ban, but nothing much. BUT, if you dare say the wrong words that is not even an insult, you are being COMPLETELY BANNED for a week and muted instantly. They really don't give a about their community being harrassed by communities. All they do is adding more and more expensive skins..
Oh yeah, skins!
Don't buy them... Sometimes you'll pay 50 bucks for a skin that doesn't look good. And you can't even sell them! I mean don't expect much more from a Riot game... They made League of Legends after all...
So in short, the game is good, but the company Riot Games and the community ruins it all.
If you get val, I recommend playing some swiftplays, you will get fun games and fun mates must of the time
- Good mechanics
- Good maps / Graphics
- The company don't care about the community
- Too much toxic people without sanctions
- Skins that are mostly trash and not sellable
Recent reviews
it wont even install you cant even play any games it a scam it asks for ID like dont do any thin on this website idiots suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks
- nothing good about it
- nothing good about it
- nothing good about it
- wont insall wont let you play who ever made this nwebsite should go to a baser ment and never come out
- sucks
- dont get
rr28rheheheje rb2tigwsgmwgmagmwgmzgmzdhrhltkfg herbs they JENNA been bee then TV TV RV TV TV TV RV egg us f 3D fa wolf us it uytrhgfgtitj4bdbrjrjrnrjrjrkfmrjritkrh hgghhhgjfnfksnxbfjtjtkyjtktjtmykrngm
- Agn2tj1tjwtk2yk2ynwgnwgrgrjryjrjrj4fbbfjgmg
- Qrjwykwtj2tkqtjqtnwtm
this game is great but also not great, it depends on how you look at it.
On one side, this game will ruin any chance you might have had to ever get a woman in your bedroom.
But on the plus site, this game will guarantee that you will have lots of free time since nobody wants to hangout with a sweaty sack of worthless trash.
You wont have to take care of kids ever in your life so that means more money to spend on knife skins
On one side, this game will ruin any chance you might have had to ever get a woman in your bedroom.
But on the plus site, this game will guarantee that you will have lots of free time since nobody wants to hangout with a sweaty sack of worthless trash.
You wont have to take care of kids ever in your life so that means more money to spend on knife skins
- no bitches so more game time
- a lot of alone time
- you can mute your mic so you dont have to interact with other human beings
- not cool
- - 10 sexual appeal
- gain weight rapitly
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